Chapter 31: Making Things Right

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Sarafina smiled and stood as Nala walked up from the base of Pride Rock. Nala's face was void of emotion. Her jaw was tight and her ears rested against her head. She didn't seem happy to come home.

The hunting party soon came up with a dead zebra. Sarafina half smiled as Nala approached her. The air got more tense with her every step.

" Thank you for watching the cubs, Mother," Nala stated quietly.

Sarafina nodded and bowed respectively. Nala looked down at Kopa and Vitani.

" It's time to eat, Cubs. Kopa, would you show Vitani where we eat?"

Kopa stood and nodded before nudging Vitani to stand. She hesitantly obeyed, and followed Kopa with her head hanging low.

Nala watched after them for a few seconds before turning back to Sarafina. Her mother looked concerned.

" Is everything okay, Mother?" Nala asked.

" Simba wants to speak with you. He and I had a short argument while you were gone. I tried to talk some sense into him, but I'm not sure it worked."

Nala shook her head in frustration.

" He's stubborn, that's for sure. I hope it's an apology though. I really dislike this tension in the Pride. It's definitely not fair to Kopa or Vitani."

" I'm sure whatever happens, you two will be able to fix it. You always do," Sarafina encouraged.

Nala couldn't help but grin at that thought. Somehow, her and Simba were always able to come to an agreement. And this situation would be no different.

" Considering how long he's been mad at me, this talk better be worth it," Nala stated sternly, remembering how Simba had been treating her lately.

They went quiet when Simba walked out of the den. He looked calm and collected. A usual frown ruled his face, and his red eyes held little to no emotion.

Nala lifted her head high as Simba looked her over. She blinked rapidly and cleared her throat.

" I brought food for the Pride."

Simba looked directly into Nala's eyes. His burning gaze created awkward tension between the rulers. Sarafina left the couple alone and joined the Pride to eat. She was relieved to be away from the suffocating tension.

" I would like to speak with you after you eat, Nala," Simba spoke softly.

" I don't have much of an appetite. So we'll talk after you eat."

The King and Queen spoke slowly to each other. It made things even more awkward. They both feared they'd make everything worse, and the truth was that Simba wanted to end the problems just as much as Nala did. His personal pride and stubbornness is what kept him speechless for so long.

" If that's the case, then I'd like to speak with you now. I'm much too anxious to eat," Simba replied formally.

Nala nodded and Simba led her into the den. They sat in the far back, away from everyone. The Pride was outside enjoying their meal, while Simba and Nala were stuck in the den with the undying tension that made a home between them.

Nala waited for Simba to speak first. The King sighed as he tried to find the right words. He decided that an apology would be a good start.

" I'm sorry, Nala."

Nala wouldn't forgive him just yet.

" For?"

" Everything," Simba looked away, ashamed." For the way I've been treating you and Kopa. For the way I've been acting around Vitani."

Nala was surprised Simba knew what he was doing. He seemed so blinded by his obsession with Zira. She could hardly believe he was apologizing.

" I'm sorry too, Simba. I'm sure taking Vitani in is none of my business. I wouldn't have done this if she didn't want to leave Zira."

" You haven't done anything wrong, Nala. I'm the reason there's tension. I'm the reason we've been fighting. I'm ashamed of myself, and to make it up to you and Kopa I'm willing to accept Vitani."

Nala couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" You really mean that?"

" Yes. I don't want to lose you, Nala. I don't want to be the reason this family falls apart. I'll do it for you and Kopa. I want this tension to end, and the only way that'll happen is if I accept Vitani."

Nala slightly grinned. She was starting to feel happy again. Her heart seemed to rise in her chest and swell with contained excitement.

" That means a lot to me. But I'm sure it'll mean even more to Kopa," Nala struggled to keep from screaming.

" So, do you forgive me?" Simba frowned.

Without hesitation, Nala pushed him onto his back and stood over him. He reacted with a loud 'oof' as his back hit the ground.

" Of course I forgive you, you big goof," Nala giggled and bent down to nuzzle him.

Simba returned the nuzzle and wrapped his forelegs around her and pulled her closer. Nala collapsed on him and rested her head on his chest.

" I love you, Nala."

" I love you too, Simba."

Nala smiled against his mane as relief replaced the diminishing tension. Simba lifted his head and licked Nala lovingly. She sighed and relaxed completely.

At that moment, Sarafina and Sarabi entered the den. When they saw the King and Queen, they stopped in their tracks.

" Is everything okay?" Sarafina commented.

Simba and Nala quickly stood up and cleared their throats.

" Yes, Mother. We're perfectly okay," Nala laughed.

" Did you two finally make up?" Sarabi questioned.

Simba looked at the ground in shame," Yeah... it took a while but I finally got some sense into me."

Sarafina and Sarabi finished their way to the royals.

" So what happened?" Sarafina grinned.

" I've decided to accept Vitani. For my family and the Pride's sake. I won't let this Pride fall apart because I'm too stubborn to be flexible," Simba announced proudly.

Sarabi nuzzled Simba.

" I'm proud of you, Son."

Simba thanked his mother and requested that they gather the Pride. The King had an announcement to make.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating as often as you or I would like, but school started 6 weeks ago so I've been incredibly busy. I'm in a creative writing class, so I've been literally writing for a grade in that class.

And when all my creativity is thrown into that work for that class, I find myself in a constant writer's block when it comes to this story. I've been so busy with studying and homework. I'll try to update regularly, but don't expect much.

I also want to thank you all who have stayed with this story and continue to read it as I update it. I know how frustrating it is to wait for an update to a story you love.

I love you all, and stay tuned. I have many plans for this story, and I will try to get it out as fast as I can. Bear with me here hehehe. The story will get better, but don't expect my writing to be as good, as with this story I am now writing through writers blocks.

Thank you!

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