Chapter 51: Torn In Two (Part 1)

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Kopa was running as fast as he could through the Pridelands, chasing after Vitani. His legs were getting tired as he ran past the waterhole. His heart was pounding and his mind was racing. His body ached as he came closer to the Outlands.

He suddenly stopped abruptly at the border. He breathed hard as he stared ahead. Vitani was standing halfway between Kopa and Zira's den. Vitani breathed heavily and her heart raced with adrenaline.

She stared at her original home. Zira was pacing in front of it, ranting and yelling at Nuka. He sat to attention, but he rolled his eyes and made ugly faces whenever Zira turned her back to him.

Vitani was frozen as her mind screamed at her to go back to Zira but her heart ached for Kopa. She watched her biological mother with fear.

" Vitani!" Kopa whispered as loud as he could behind her.

Vitani's ears faced Kopa. He knew that she was listening, but she wasn't moving.

" Vitani! Come back!" he continued to whisper.

She looked at Kopa, then at Zira. At one point Zira looked at Nuka the moment he made a face and it enraged her. She smacked Nuka to the ground and screamed at him to behave. Vitani sniffled as tears began to sting her eyes.

I don't want to go back to that... what am I doing?

She was about to take a step back when Kopa called again.

" Vitani! Please come back... don't leave me."

She looked at Kopa again and what Imani said before came to her mind.

" She wants to kill Kopa for good so you could feel what she felt forever."

Vitani's breathing quickened out of panic. Her heart ached more than ever and for the first time she was torn in two.

I have to protect Kopa. I have to go back!

Her mind screamed at her and soon her heart began to follow. Without realizing it, she took a step forward.

Then another step.

Kopa whispered louder, " Vitani!"

His voice only pushed her closer to her abusive childhood.

" Vitani!"

She took a third step.

Kopa nearly stumbled over the border as tears began to stream down his cheeks.

" Vitani!!" he yelled without a whisper, his voice booming through the lands.

Vitani stopped moving. She watched as Zira's sinister face turned to look at her. Zira's eyes widened and anger took over any ounce of love that might've come from the six moons of mourning. Vitani's heart jumped so hard it caused a sharp pain to pierce her chest.

" Vitani!!" Zira roared louder than ever.

She suddenly bolted in,her daughter's direction. Vitani gasped and her breath got caught in her throat. She turned roward Kopa. He started running too, but when he heard Vitani shriek behind him, he stopped.

She had tripped and was struggling to stand. Kopa ran to her and attempted to help her up. Zira roared as she pounced at them. The cubs screamed and ducked, preparing for their fate. They closed their eyes but the pain never came.

A shadow jumped over them and when they opened their eyes they found Simba and Zira in a heap of dust.

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