Chapter 14: Disappointment

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Due to their late departure from Pride Rock, Nala, Sauda, and Nuru didn't return to the pride until noon. When they entered the den, they were greeted by Sarafina and Sarabi. Nuru and Sauda were dismissed by Nala. The Queen sent out a hunting party with Sarafina as the leader with a few other lionesses from the pride.

Nala smiled warmly at her sleeping family. Simba and Kopa had been up all night playing together. She really appreciated Simba's devotion to spending time with Kopa as of late. She didn't have to remind him.

Nala took her place next to Simba, more content than usual. Her movement stirred Simba awake. He jumped up onto his feet, flinching from the sudden pain that tore through his injured leg.

" What time is it? Midday? I need to check the Pridelands!" The King spoke quickly, as he was in a panic.

" Relax, Simba. I took care of it for you," Nala replied.

Simba looked at her with wide eyes as he slowly lay back down.

" What? Why?"

" Rafiki said that you shouldn't do morning patrols for a while so I'm going to take over," Nala explained.

Simba gave her a far away look. He seemed extremely confused.

" When did this happen?" He asked.

" I had Rafiki check on you this morning while you were asleep. I know you told me not to, but I wanted to make sure there was nothing more serious than an injured foreleg," Nala laughed.

" Alright."

Nala nuzzled him.

" Just relax, my King. You could use the time off."

Simba sighed and nuzzled her back.

" Thank you, Nala."

" Of course."

At that moment, a small head perked up next to Simba.

" Mom? I'm hungry," Kopa stated, half asleep.

Nala responded quickly by standing up and walking to the other side of Kopa. She lay down and the young prince immediately started nursing. Nala licked the top of his head and curled around him.

Although he was three months old, Kopa was still nursing. Lion cubs are able to eat meat at three months old, but aren't weaned until half a year. Nala didn't mind it, as it was a perfect bonding mechanism.

Simba looked at his family with a warm smile before putting his head down and falling back asleep.


Zira paced near the den entrance, her eyes full of fire. Vitani lay in the back of the den. She watched her mother with hateful eyes. Vitani hadn't slept well that night, due to Zira's ranting.

The thought of running away came to Vitani's mind. But once she entered the Pridelands, it was foreign territory from there. She didn't know how to get to Pride Rock, or that it even existed. She just knew that she didn't want to live here anymore.

Vitani considered the idea that she didn't even need Zira. But her stomach reminded her otherwise. She cringed at the loud growl. She craved milk at the most inconvenient time.

" Mother?" Vitani's voice echoed through the den.

Zira stopped abruptly. Her back faced Vitani and her ears hugged her head. Her tail thrashed to show her irritation. Vitani hesitated before speaking again.

" I'm hungry, Mother," she confessed.

Zira slowly turned to face her. Her actions confused Vitani, but she didn't comment. Zira walked limply towards her daughter. Her expression almost seemed... melancholic.

Without a word, Zira lay next to Vitani. The lavender-eyed cub hesitated to nurse, but her hunger took over and she began to suckle with desperation.

Zira was heavy with disappointment. Not in anyone else, but in herself. She was angry at herself for letting Simba and Nala get away. She was frustrated that she wasn't smarter when it came to that plan.

She needed a new idea. A new way to get to Simba and Nala. And finally, Kopa.

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