Chapter 26: Obsession

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The Pridelanders returned safely to Pride Rock, exhausted. As soon as Kopa entered the den, he was smothered with Simba and Nala's nuzzles. Nala cried tears of relief and joy as she licked the blood off of Kopa's head. He winced in pain.

Vitani stood out of sight, but watched the family reunion.

" Oh, Kopa! I'm so sorry I let you out of my sight. I almost lost you," Nala cried.

Kopa looked up at her. Nala's eyes were glossed over. He could see guilt yet relief in them.

" It's okay, Mom. I'm here now, and I'm okay," Kopa comforted her.

Nala grinned softly and nuzzled her son more. Simba stood next to them, patiently waiting his turn.

Kopa purred at his mother's touch. Pain continued to radiate from the five bloody points that Zira left on his head. They stung like paper cuts when air touched them. Nala licked them some more, but the dried blood remained.

Once Nala gave up and separated from Kopa, Simba stepped in and nuzzled him. Simba was still hung up on the fact that Nala had to save him from Zira months ago. Even Kopa was able to escape, which was even more embarrassing for the King.

Nonetheless, Simba was glad his son was safe. Not particularly unharmed, but safe.

Simba was pulled out of his thoughts when an unfamiliar scent filled his nose. He parted from Kopa and turned around to find Vitani out of hiding. She stood in the den entrance, staring at the pride. Simba growled and charged at her. Kopa quickly jumped into action and ran in front of Vitani, keeping Simba from touching her.

Simba stopped in his sprint and bared his teeth at the cubs. He looked from Kopa to Vitani multiple times. He seemed confused. Vitani stood tall and acted brave, even though she was scared. Nala came up beside them and looked at Vitani.

She recognized Vitani from when Zira smacked her to the ground. That happened months ago when she was saving Simba. Nala immediately felt sympathy for Vitani. Simba felt otherwise.

" Move, Kopa," Simba ordered, his voice deep.

Kopa knew how his father felt about the Outlanders. Seeing Zira's daughter near his pride or in the Pridelands at all must enrage him more than anything. It was obvious the King was containing his anger for the sake of his family.

" I won't let you hurt her, Dad," Kopa looked up at his father, knowing very well that Simba could easily push him out of the way.

" She's an Outlander. Zira's daughter," Simba growled.

" But she's my friend."

Simba looked at Kopa with surprise.

" I met her after Zira kidnapped me, in their den," Kopa continued. " She helped me escape."

Simba looked at Vitani with wonder. She stared back at him without fear.

" What is she doing here then?" Simba's voice instilled fear in everyone around.

" We had a deal. If she helped me escape, she could come with me," Kopa explained.

" The deal is off. Leave the den before I turn violent," Simba told Vitani before ascending Pride Rock.

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