Chapter 34: Secret

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" Kopa! Vitani!" Nala's voice echoed through the den.

A few moments later, Kopa and Vitani ran into the den. Their deeper giggles filled the den with happiness. As they came closer to the King and Queen, they quieted down. Nala and Simba rested on their rock. They looked at their son proudly.

Kopa and Vitani were both one year old now. Kopa's head tuft was growing larger, and soon his mane would start coming in. His personality was less carefree, and he was extremely proud to be a prince. He took things seriously when it came to the topic of becoming king.

Vitani had become Kopa's best friend over the past six months. She was no longer depressed and she was happy where she was. Her personality was less snappy and she was much more accepting of things.

" You two must go to sleep now. We have a big day tomorrow," Simba stated deeply.

Kopa tilted his head curiously as he looked up at his father. Vitani stood next to him, tired-eyed.

" What are we doing tomorrow, Dad?" Kopa could hardly hold back his eagerness.

" Tomorrow, your father is going to show you around the Pridelands. I'm going to take Vitani hunting," Nala replied sweetly.

Kopa smiled eagerly in response.

" You two go get some rest now," Nala ordered.

The two cubs excused themselves to a corner of the den and quickly fell asleep. Once they were out for the night, Simba and Nala talked amongst themselves.

" Nala, I think we should tell him," Simba started.

" I want to wait until the right time," the Queen replied calmly.

" When will that be?"

Nala stood up slowly and walked down the flat rock. She stood in front of Simba, stretching her legs. Simba looked intently at her slightly larger abdomen.

" You're already showing," Simba continued.

Nala sat down and sighed with contentedness.

" We can tell him tomorrow night, after we all return to Pride Rock."

Simba stood from the rock and walked up to her. He nuzzled her head and purred.

" Speaking of tomorrow, I don't think you should go alone with Vitani," Simba warned.

Nala parted from him and rolled her eyes.

" I'll be fine, Simba. There's nothing to worry about."

" Nothing to worry about? You're carrying our second cub. We haven't heard Zira since Vitani escaped. I'm sure she's planning something, and I don't want her next target to be you," Simba explained.

Nala thought it over," I'll bring my mother along with me."

Simba sighed," and my mother?"

" And Sarabi," she reassured.

Simba nodded his approval. Sarafina and Sarabi were getting old, but they still fought like young lionesses. Simba knew they would be able to protect Nala.

Nala smiled at him and looked through the entrance of the den to the dark outside.

" It's a beautiful night, Simba. Let's go look at the stars."

Simba agreed and they left the den. They trailed up Pride Rock. The cool breeze of the night sent chills down their spines, but they enjoyed it. They stopped at the peak of the rock and sat down. Their muzzles pointed to the sky as their eyes traced constellations in the stars.

After a moment of silence, Nala leaned against Simba. She snuggled into his large, warm mane, purring loudly.

" Isn't it wonderful, Simba? We're going to have another cub!"

The excited sparkle in Nala's eyes made her look like a cub eating meat for the first time. Satisfied, eager, and completely full of bliss. Simba was excited too, but he still had his worries.

" Are you sure bringing another cub into the world is a good idea?" Simba frowned.

Nala drew her ears back," are you worried about Zira again?"

" No, I'm worried about our unborn cub. Bringing him or her into a world with a lioness like Zira around just doesn't sit well with me," Simba explained.

Nala frowned. His obsession with Zira was still affecting him emotionally, and although she was tired of it, she saw where he was coming from.

" Simba, it'll be fine. We're doing well with Kopa. We can be parents again. This cub isn't the first, so it's more likely we'll do a better job at taking care of him or her," Nala reassured.

Simba shrugged and looked down. Nala nuzzled under his chin and sighed happily.

" We'll all be fine, my love," she whispered.

Her words echoed in Simba's mind, relaxing him.

We'll all be fine.

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