Chapter 27: Aftermath

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The Pride slept for the rest of that day and into the night. The next day, Simba made his morning rounds while Nala stayed in the den with Kopa and Vitani.

Nala was lying on the flat-rock, watching Kopa attempt to play with Vitani. The cubs were in front of the Queen.

" Come on, Vitani! Let's play!" Kopa giggled.

Vitani sat in front of him with a disgusted look on her face. Her bad side was still dominant, and whenever she caught herself being nicer than usual she stopped herself.

Vitani felt that if she was nice, she'd be bullied easier. Abused easier. She didn't want to be hurt anymore. Her entire life was spent being a victim of a violent mother. She wouldn't tolerate it anymore, from anyone.

Trusting these Pridelanders would mean that Vitani was giving them ways to hurt her, and she wasn't ready for such a commitment. Being mean was easier, and it was a surer way to protect herself. If she was nasty to everyone, they'd get the idea that leaving her alone was best.

Kopa looked at Vitani. He lowered the top half of his body until his chest touched the ground. His rear was in the air, and his tail curled with happiness. His lips were shaped up into a smile and his front legs stretched out in front of him.

Vitani stared down at his orange eyes, a glare forming in her lavender ones.  She growled in annoyance and turned away. Kopa stood up and stepped closer. His expression turned from playful to concerned in a matter of seconds.

" Are you okay, Vitani?" He asked.

" I'm fine," she replied quickly.

The truth was Vitani was never 'okay.' But she couldn't say she wasn't because then she'd be showing weakness. A perfect opportunity for anyone to swoop in and hurt her.

Kopa sighed at her lie and turned away. He ran to one of the younger lionesses in the Pride to play with. Vitani lay where she was and rested her head on her front paws.

Nala looked down at her from the rock and sighed. She felt so bad for Vitani. She never deserved to have such a terrible mother like Zira. Nala wanted to change that.

" Are you alright, dear?" Nala turned her head to find Sarafina, her mother, walking up beside her.

" Not exactly, Mother," Nala frowned.

Sarafina lay next to her daughter and nuzzled her.

" What's the matter?"

Nala looked at the ground with her ears back in pain. Her heart ached like a dull knife kept sliding in and out of it. The last time she felt this much pain was when Scar told the Pride that Simba was falsely killed.

" A couple things, actually. It's a long story," Nala sighed.

" Is it about Vitani?" Sarafina looked at the tawny cub in front of them.

Nala nodded," Simba and I had a fight yesterday morning. He just doesn't understand."

Silence filled the air for a few seconds while Sarafina thought.

" I think your heart is in the right place, sweetheart. Simba just needs time to realize that. Kopa getting kidnapped, the confrontation with Zira, it all happened so fast. And now Vitani's here. Simba needs time to catch up to the world."

Nala sat up," He's never been caught up to the world. He's always living in the past or worrying about Zira. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't even have a bond with Kopa."

Sarafina looked at Nala with her ears down in despair. She couldn't find any words to reply with. Nala looked at Vitani.

" Simba's angry at me for allowing Vitani to stay. It's not her fault her mother happens to be Zira. I can't let Vitani go back to her original lifestyle with such an abusive parent," Nala sniffled.

" And I'm proud of you for standing up for Vitani."

Nala shrugged," Maybe I am in the wrong here. I guess Vitani's life is none of my business."

" Don't doubt yourself, Nala. You are doing the right thing. Vitani is an innocent victim, who deserves you as a mother. Besides, this might be good for Kopa. There's no other cubs for him to play with here."

Nala forced a grin and opened her mouth to say something when heavy paw-steps were heard. Sarafina and Nala looked at the den entrance to see Simba returning from his morning patrol.

Sarafina gave Nala a reassuring smile before walking away. Nala sat tall and proud on the rock, frowning at Simba. The King walked in with his head lowered. His eyes showed irritation and a scowl on his face filled the den with tension.

He walked right past Vitani and lay down next to Nala with his back towards the den entrance. She could feel the angry vibes that radiated off of Simba in a way that was overwhelming.

" I assume you're still angry with me?" Nala questioned sternly.

Simba remained silent. That answered her question. Nala stood up and walked off the rock.

" Kopa! Vitani! Let's go to the waterhole!" She called the cubs, who quickly came to attention.

Nala looked at the den entrance, her ears facing Simba.

" I am taking Kopa and Vitani to the waterhole for playtime," Nala told him.

Simba ignored her. Nala could tell he was listening though, as his ears were facing her. She straightened her posture and puffed out her chest.

" Get over it, Simba," she growled.

With that, she left the den with Kopa and Vitani close behind her.

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