Chapter 50: The Truth

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When the group returned to Pride Rock, Kopa ran out of the cave and went up to Simba. 

" Hey, Dad! Mom said that we could go to the waterhole when you come home!" he said, excitedly. 

" Did she now?" Simba grinned. 

Nala walked out of the den behind Kopa. She smiled at Simba. 

" I figured we could use some family time."

Simba remained silent as Koman and Imani came into view from below. Nala's smile disappeared and Kopa tilted his head with confusion. He examined Imani and glared. 

" I remember you. You were ordered by Zira to guard Vitani and I after I was kidnapped," he looked at Simba. " Why is she here?"

" That is what I came to talk to your mother about," he replied, looking at Nala. 

The Queen looked really concerned, her eyes wide. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she looked at Kopa. 

" We'll go to the waterhole later, Kopa. Go play with Vitani for now," Nala said. 

Imani's ears perked when Vitani was mentioned. Kopa looked disappointed about the waterhole. He went back into the den and the rest of the group went to the top of Pride Rock. They sat down in a circle, awkward silence filling the air. 

Imani put Sanura at her feet. She wiggled over to Imani's stomach and started nursing. Imani stared at the ground. She was too ashamed to look at the King and Queen in the eye. She was also thinking about Vitani. Imani figured that if Simba accepted Zira's own daughter, then he'd have to accept her ex-best friend. Her thoughts were cut off when Simba spoke up. 

" I need you two to tell me the complete truth of there will be consequences," he boldly stated.

Imani gulped loudly and put a paw on Sanura. Nala grinned reassuringly. 

" We won't hurt your cub," she said.

Imani let out a sigh upon hearing her words. Simba kept a straight face as he thought of what to ask.

" How did you end up in the Pridelands?" he asked.

Imani proceeded to tell him her story. Back in the den, Kopa was laying in a corner. His ears were down and a large frown was on his face. Vitani stretched and walked over to him. 

" Is your dad back?" she yawned.

" Yeah," he answered, not looking at her.

" Then what's the matter?"

Kopa lifted his head up,"Mom said we're going to the waterhole later."

" Why?" she glanced at the den entrance then back at Kopa. 

" One of the lionesses that guarded us back in the Outlands is here with her family. I think my dad ran into them during his patrol."

Vitani thought back to when Imani and Nasra had guarded them. Neither one of them had families that she knew of. 

" Nasra?" she guessed.

Kopa shrugged," I don't know. It's the dull-brown lioness."

" Imani's here? I never thought she would leave the Outlands," Vitani stated, turning toward the cave entrance.

She looked outside to see Simba and Nala talking to Imani and her mate. Vitani was entirely confused, so she waited for them to finish talking before asking questions. 

Imani finished her story and Simba processed it. 

" That's the truth. I'm no longer Zira's friend nor am I part of the Outlanders," Imani confirmed.

Simba glared at her," How do I know this isn't a plan made by Zira? How do I know this isn't some trick?"

Nala bumped him with her leg.

" You don't know, you just have to trust me. Besides, if I was lying, I wouldn't tell you that your son is in danger."

" What's new?" Simba rolled his eyes.

" Nala's in danger, too," she mentioned.

Nala tilted her head, " Me? What did I do?"

Imani looked at Nala with fear and concern in her eyes.

" Zira's main goal is no longer avenging Scar and taking over the Pridelands in his name, although she's working toward that. She wants to get revenge on you for taking Vitani away from her."

This enraged Nala. Her ears went back against her head.

" I didn't take her daughter! Vitani ran away because she was being abused! Zira didn't love her!" Nala growled.

Her shouting grabbed Vitani's attention. She could hear that they were talking about her, so she left the den to get closer. She wanted to know what they were saying about her. As she got closer, Imani spoke up.

" I didn't think Zira loved Vitani either. But after she ran away, Zira wasn't the same. She mourned for six moons. She cried and cried... it almost pained me to see the devil so beat," Imani had to pause. " She wants to kill Kopa for good so you can feel what she felt forever."

Vitani had stopped in her tracks upon hearing those words. She stared at nothing, tears making her eyes glisten. She sniffled, causing Imani and the group to look at her. Nala stepped toward Vitani, concern and worry taking over her emotions. 

" Vitani? What's wrong, dear?" Nala asked.

She looked up at Nala with an open mouth. She looked heartbroken as she took a step back.

" I have to go back..." she choked on her words. 

Vitani suddenly ran off of Pride Rock, going toward the plains of the Pridelands. 

" Vitani! Come back!" Nala screamed.

Kopa's ears perked up. He stood and looked outside. He could see his mother calling and looking out at Vitani as she ran. Kopa panicked as fear struck his heart. He ran out of the den and chased after Vitani as fast as he could. 

Nala's cries faded away as he ran after Vitani, dread filling his heart and the thought of losing the lioness he was in love with pushing him harder than ever. 

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