Chapter 4: Unfortunate News

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Two lionesses were checking the border. Normally this was Simba's job. But Nala had been able to convince the stubborn king to take a break from his kingly duties and spend time with her and Kopa.

The lionesses talked and laughed along as they wandered the border, keeping their senses alert for anything out of the ordinary. One of the lionesses was a more orange color, with black ear rims and brown eyes. She went by the name of Nuru. The other lioness was a brown color with green eyes, named Sauda.

They walked a few feet with silence lingering between them, the first since they left Pride Rock. The peacefulness was quickly broken when Nuru spoke.

" Little Kopa is the cutest cub I've ever seen!" Her eyes sparkled with delight.

Sauda kept her eyes on the marked trail ahead. She laid her ears back and gave an inaudible growl.

" I suppose," she spoke with a slightly irritated tone.

Nuru looked at her, confusion clear on her face.

" What's the matter? You don't like him?"

" I didn't say that."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted when they heard a voice in the distance. Nuru suggested they find the owner of the voice.

The walked for only a minute or two, keeping a low profile. They stalked carefully through the tall grasses, placing one quiet paw after the other. They remained sharp.

Sauda stopped in her tracks when she recognized the owner of the voice. It was Zira's son, Nuka. He looked to be a young teen, his black mane just coming in. He was scrawny. Most of the Outlanders were.

Nuru got into cover behind a nearby bush, focusing her ears intently on Nuka's words. He was pacing back and forth at the base of a small hill.

" That stupid cub! Mother should rid her once and for all. We have no need for another girl, especially tiny Vitani!" Nuka spat at the ground as he paced harder.

His voice was rough and full of anger. His mind full of thoughts. He was the only male in his pride, so his frustration was understandable.

The lionesses exchanged a glance. They nodded at each other and quickly took off back to Pride Rock to inform Simba of the Outlander's new arrival.

They quickly ran into the den, finding Simba laying next to a sleeping Nala. Kopa was snuggled against Simba's chest, fast asleep. The king lifted his head from his son and focused on the rushing lionesses.

" What's the rush?" Simba whispered.

" We bring news from the border," Nuru began.

Thoughts immediately flooded Simba's mind. His eyes held worry and the lionesses took note of this.

" Zira seems to have a new daughter named Vitani," Sauda finished.

Simba held his breath as he took in the news. This could be bad for his pride. Or worse, Kopa. Simba thanked the lionesses for the helpful news. They bowed their welcomes and left to rest in the other side of the den.

Simba looked over at Nala, who had not awakened. He sighed as he thought of how to bring the news to her. A walk might be good for them. Simba looked down at Kopa.

He was fast asleep between his father's legs. Simba smiled down at his son, both adoration and fear gripping his heart.

" I promise I won't let anything happen to you," Simba whispered.

Kopa buried his head deeper against his father's chest in response to his words. Simba let out a light chuckle and looked around the den, worried for his pride. And family.

I decided to give the two lionesses names. The orange lioness is named Nuru and the brown lioness is named Sauda. Here are the meanings:

Nuru- "Light"

Sauda- "Dark Complexion"

If a new character by me is added I will put their name and meanings after the chapter they appear in like this.

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