Chapter 24: Escape

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Kopa looked outside from the den entrance. It was still dark, but he could see Imani and Nasra ahead of him, sitting with their backs facing the den. Kopa turned around and looked at Vitani.

" We're being guarded," he mentioned.

Vitani kept quiet while Kopa thought.

" We can probably sneak past them if we're quiet enough," Kopa inquired.

Vitani secretly rolled her eyes. This cub was insane.

" If you can sneak past them by yourself, then you don't need me," Vitani stated, a bit irritated.

Kopa shook his head," No, I need you to distract them while I sneak past. Then I'll give you a signal and you can come with me."

Vitani sighed," That's ridiculous."

" It is. But it's the only thing I can come up with."

" This can't possibly work," Vitani complained.

" We have to try. Do you want to escape or not?" Kopa stared at her.

She was complaining too much. Even Kopa was getting slightly irritated. Vitani met his piercing gaze and reluctantly gave in.

" Ugh, fine. I'll go distract them or whatever," she groaned.

Kopa watched her leave the den and walk up to Imani and Nasra. He waited for Vitani to start speaking to them before making his escape.

" Imani?" Vitani grabbed the lioness's attention.

Vitani made sure they were facing away from the den. Kopa began to tiptoe from the scene. He kept a low profile. It was still dark, which offered them cover in their escape.

" Vitani! You were ordered to stay in the den," Imani stated sternly.

Vitani rolled her eyes," I'm always ordered to stay in the den."

Imani and Nasra exchanged glances. Imani focused back on Vitani.

" I know, but your mother has set strict rules for all of us. You must go back inside."

" Where is my mother anyway?" Vitani asked.

" She's taking care of business," Imani stated.

Vitani looked down," Is this about those Pridelanders again?"

Imani nodded," Unfortunately, yes."

Vitani couldn't help but roll her eyes again.

" Really? When is she going to get over them?"

" When she avenges Scar, I guess," Imani shrugged.

" But he's dead. It doesn't matter anymore."

" I know, but your mother thinks otherwise," Imani sighed.

" Why do you even stay here, Imani? It's obvious you can't stand this place or my mother," Vitani questioned.

Imani shifted her weight nervously. She knew exactly why she was staying. Her promise was to be kept. It was a stupid reason really, to stay. So Imani kept it to herself. Besides, she knew there was good in Zira. Somewhere.

" Because I'm Zira's best friend. I love her," Imani told the half-truth.

She nearly choked on those last three words. She was Zira's best friend. Not the other way around. She stopped caring about Zira long ago. It was only about the promise and her pride now.

" That's impossible. How could anyone love her?" Vitani spat.

Imani stayed quiet. She didn't want to say anymore. Vitani looked around. Kopa was now hiding behind cover about 50 meters from her position. She looked back at Imani.

" Can't I just stay out here? I'll go inside before Mother comes back. She won't know," Vitani asked.

Imani sighed. She knew she was the only voice here. Nasra only stared at Vitani, emotionless. Imani wasn't even going to try to read her mind.

" Fine, just stay in our sight," Imani stated with an irritated tone.

Vitani turned away without responding. Vitani looked up at the very dimly-lit sky. She guessed it was just before sunrise. She spotted Kopa hiding in dead grass. He looked at her and smiled reassuringly. Vitani stopped walking and groaned with irritation. She looked back at Imani and Nasra.

The lionesses were lying in front of the den. Vitani was reaching 25 meters away from them. Imani was looking at Nasra and talking. Vitani noticed that neither of them were facing her.

" Vitani!" Kopa whispered.

Vitani shook her head and finished her way to Kopa. She walked with her head down.

" You were great at distracting them!"

Vitani lifted her head and found herself touching noses with Kopa. He was staring right at her with a smile. Vitani jumped back out of disgust. Kopa stuck his head out of the grass before her.

" Get in here before they see us!" Kopa fell back into cover.

Vitani growled and walked into the grad. She kept walking past Kopa. He caught up and walked next to her.

" You didn't even need a signal from me. Have you done this before?" Kopa asked curiously.

" If I have I wouldn't be here."

Kopa looked away with a frown. He could feel the tension in the air between them. It was almost unbearable. Kopa's chest tightened.

" I can't believe that worked," Vitani's stern voice pulled Kopa from his thoughts.

He looked at her. She continued to walk with her head down. Her tawny head tuft lightly bounced with every step. Her lavender eyes scanned the dry ground.

" I can't either. It seems like those lionesses forgot about you as soon as you walked away," Kopa mentioned.

Vitani glanced at him and glared.

It's not the first time, she thought.

Silence filled the air once more. Kopa looked away and tried to ignore the choking tension. Only a few minutes passed before faint voices filled Kopa's ears.

" Oh no..."

Kopa picked up speed and Vitani quickly caught on.

I was on a huge writers block but since writing is a favored habit of mine, I wrote through it and this chapter is the result. Yes, to me this is crap compared to how I usually write. So it's not my best writing, but I needed to get it out of my system.

Thank you readers for all the reads, votes, and comments. I really appreciate it and it makes my day. The next chapter will be up hopefully soon.

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