Chapter 41: Confidence

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The news of Kiara's birth quickly spread throughout the Pridelands. It eventually reached the Outlands the same day. Zira's messenger entered the den. Zira was giving Kovu a bath. She glanced at Risala before giving her permission to speak.

" Nala has given birth to a princess," Risala informed her.

Zira looked at the dark-gray lioness with a raised brow.

" Name?" Zira asked.

" Kiara."

Kovu looked up at his mother with green eyes.

" Who's Kiara, Mama?" His small voice was so innocent.

Zira grinned at her favorite son, " That is none of your concern at the moment, Kovu. Go play with your brother, Mama needs some space," Zira nudged Kovu with her paw.

Kovu slightly frowned as he left to search for Nuka. He nearly tripped over his own legs, as he was still learning how to use them. Zira excused Risala and decided to give herself a small bath.

As Risala left, Imani entered the den. Her swollen belly looked heavy. She approached Zira and laid next to her, carefully resting on her side. Zira looked her over before meeting her eyes. A recent smile had been permanently plastered on Imani's face.

" With that grin on your face, I could almost believe that you're happy," Zira commented.

" I am happy, Zira," Imani sighed.

" And why is that?"

Imani looked at her stomach, " I'm due at any moment now. My first child. I can't wait to meet her."

Zira's eyes flashed, " Her?"

Imani met Zira's threatening glare. She knew how she felt about females.

" I'm hoping it's a girl," Imani confessed.

Zira rolled her eyes, " You can't possibly be wishing for a girl. They are weak as cubs, utterly worthless and bratty."

" My daughter will not be any of those."

Zira looked at Imani with a smirk. The expecting mother glared at her friend for insulting her unborn cub.

" Confident, are we?" Zira mocked. " You know how I feel about weak females in this pride."

Imani glared heavily at Zira.

" Female or not, we made a deal. Although, knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised if you lied just to get your way," she frowned.

Zira sad up with confidence.

" You know me well, Imani. But I will not harm your cub. I have nothing against you," she confessed.

Kovu ran into the den. He approached Zira and looked up at her.

" I can't find Nuka, Mama!" he squeaked.

Zira lifted her paw and pulled Kovu against her front leg in comfort. Imani looked her up and down with suspicion.

" You've changed, Zira," she mentioned.

" Hardly," Zira corrected. " I'm just calmer because my plan is working perfectly."

Imani tilted her head.

" What do you mean?"

" Simba and Nala have a daughter. I can kill Kopa and raise Kovu to be a king," Zira replied, satisfied.

" Who's Simba and Nala, Mama? What's a king?" Kovu asked.

Zira didn't have the patience to answer all of Kovu's questions.

" Quiet, child," she hissed.

Kovu's head dropped in guilt as Nuka entered the den. Zira growled at the sight of him.

" Nuka! Where have you been?!"

The scrawny lion jumped at his mother's sudden shouting.

" N-nowhere, Mother," he stuttered.

" Nuka!" Kovu giggles and ran up to his big brother.

" Stay away from me you Little Termite," the older lion growled.

Zira snarled, " That is no way to speak of your future king, Nuka."

Nuka rolled his eyes and turned to leave again. Kovu stayed where he was, unsure whether us was a good idea or not to follow. He looked at Zira for an answer.

" Take Kovu with you, Nuka. Be useful for once and watch over him," Zira ordered.

" Whatever," Nuka mumbled.

At that, the two brothers left the den. Zira turned back to Imani.

" Where were we?" Zira asked.

" You said that Simba and Nala have a daughter," Imani replied.

" Ah, yes. Isn't that wonderful news?"

Imani rolled her eyes, " Absolutely amazing."

Her sarcasm seemed to slip past Zira. She smiled with satisfaction at Imani's reply.

" I knew you would agree," Zira muttered.

Imani unexpectedly stood and turned to leave the den. Zira looked after her pregnant friend, a frown on her face.

" Where are you going?" Zira asked.

Imani kept walking, " Away from here. I need space."

" Very well," Zira stated.

She was left alone in the den now, and decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet. Zira our her head down and closed her eyes with a sigh of contentedness.

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