Chapter 36: Revelation

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The royal family soon met at the waterhole. Simba greeted Nala with a nuzzle. Hellos were exchanged, and soon everyone found a place under the shade of a tree near the shore of the waterhole while Kopa and Vitani played in the water.

Sarabi and Sarafina already knew of Nala's pregnancy. They spoke quietly about it so Kopa couldn't hear. Kopa and Vitani's splashes and giggles covered their whispers anyway. The adults laid in a circle. Simba and Nala rested next to each other, Sarabi and Sarafina across from them.

" Have you told him that he's going to be a big brother, dear?" Sarafina asked Nala, referring to Kopa.

" Not yet, Mother. I intend to tell him in a few minutes, actually," Nala watched as Kopa jumped over Vitani and kicked water in her face.

Nala let out a little giggle and turned to Simba.

" Are you ready to tell him?" She asked.

Simba had been speaking quietly with Sarabi. He turned at Nala's voice and nodded with pride. Nala called the cubs over. Their eager eyes looked up at the King and Queen with excitement. Their fur was soaked from the waterhole. Nala could barely hold back her own glee.

" Kopa, your father and I are very excited to tell you that you are going to be a big brother soon," Nala nearly screamed.

Kopa leapt for joy," I'm going to have a little sibling!"

Nala laughed. Kopa's young spirit didn't quite match his age of one year. Nala was partly grateful for that. Kopa suddenly stopped celebrating and looked at his parents with a serious expression.

" Wait, how soon?"

" In about three moons," Simba replied.

Kopa's ears dropped," but that's so far away."

" It'll come faster than you think, darling," Sarafina chimed in.

Kopa shrugged. Vitani nudged his shoulder with hers and smiled at him when he met her eyes. There was a special sparkle in the young cubs' eyes. It was obvious they had a strong bond.

" Come on, Kopa. Let's go play!" She giggled.

The young prince immediately lit up and chased after her. They splashed through the water once again, causing laughs to emerge from the adults.

Sarafina turned to Sarabi. She spoke quietly with her best friend. Simba and Nala seemed to be in their own world.

" Did you see the way they looked at each other? I think Simba and Nala should betroth them. What do you think, Sarabi?"

" It's definitely a possibility. But that's the decision of the King and Queen, Fina. They get to decide who they want to betroth their child to," Sarabi replied deeply.

Sarafina simply nodded in response. They turned their attention to the cubs. They continued to splash in the water. Kopa pawed water in Vitani's face and she retorted by tackling him. They wrestled and giggles filled the air.

The royal family stayed at the waterhole for the rest of the day. At sunset, they began their way back to Pride Rock. Simba and Nala walked ahead. Kopa and Vitani walked side by side behind them with Sarabi and Sarafina in the back.

Vitani walked with her head high. The corners of her mouth were turned slightly upward in a small smile. Her lavender eyes glistened from the rays of the purple and orange sunset. Kopa looked over at her and couldn't help but grin. His heart seemed to swell in his chest from happiness. Butterflies filled his stomach.

" I'm really glad to have met you, Vitani," Kopa spoke softly.

Vitani nearly tripped over her own paws at that moment. His sudden voice startled her, despite its softness. She was caught off guard.

" Oh, I-I'm glad to have met you too," She stuttered.

Vitani's heart sped up. She suddenly felt extremely nervous. If it wasn't for her fur, Kopa would've been able to see her blush. Vitani didn't even know she could blush so easily.

Kopa smiled in satisfaction," You're very fun to play with. There were no other cubs to play with before you joined the Pride."

Vitani suddenly found herself longing to hear more.

" Is that it?"

" Of course not. You're a great friend. You're there when I need you, and I never even asked you to be," Kopa continued.

Vitani's head dropped. She felt that she didn't deserve Kopa as a friend. At the beginning of their friendship, she was incredibly mean to him. She tried her best to push him away and he only came closer. He didn't run away or give up like others. He was different.

She liked the difference.

" What's on your mind?" Kopa interrupted her thoughts.

" N-nothing."

" Are you okay?" He asked.

Vitani suddenly felt vulnerable. She felt that she was being too soft.

" I'm fine," her voice was emotionless.

" Are you sure?"

" I said I'm fine!"

Kopa created more distance between them. His ears went down and his mind began to race. What did he do wrong?

Vitani's head was down now. She turned her head slightly away from Kopa. They were still walking to Pride Rock, and the young prince assumed the rest of the trip would be in silence.

I apologize for the slowness of the story right now. I just don't want to miss anything and I'm trying to time everything perfectly so the story is going to be a bit slow and possibly boring in the next few chapters or so before a time jump.

Thank you though for all of you that have stuck with this story since the beginning and for those who have jumped into it later on and recently. I really appreciate everything. What do you think so far though?

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