Chapter three: Some kind of miraculous magnificence

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Chapter 3:

Over the next few weeks, we played the same exercise. I was still having a lot of trouble hiding my reiatsu but I was incredibly good at hiding. Today I was doing the exercise and it seemed like Sensei was off the trail. Lady Yoruichi taught me how to flash-step quickly. She was known as the Queen of Flash and she indeed was. I trained sometimes with Byakuya, using my fists and body. He instead used his sword, or what he calls a zanpakuto. He didn’t however make fun of me for not having one. I’d always imagine my zanpakuto and what powers it would hold. Sensei told me that I would find out what my zanpakuto is very soon. He told me that if you were a female, the name of your zanpakuto would come to you eventually after exceeding a high stage in training. But if you were a male, you would have to have a duel to the death. Your zanpakuto’s name would come to you if you are nearly about to loose. Byakuya told me his zanpakuto spoke to him. Sensei said that I was very powerful and that my fighting styles were different from other females. I’ve defeated Byakuya a couple of times with my fists but he has also defeated me of some occasions with Senbonzakura (his zanpakuto). I was very jealous of all the other people who had zanpakutos. Yoruichi said the strongest fighters can be ones without zanpakutos. She doesn’t have one herself and she is the strongest female I have ever met.

The Shihoin mansion was huge. People addressed Yoruichi as Lady Yoruichi. She flinch or shudder when someone calls her that. She told me not to call her that. She gave a teal coloured kimono to wear. We became very close friends. She’d tell me about her past and I’d tell her mine. She was very humorous and understanding. I’d love the way she’d tease Byakuya and flirt with him. She flirted with a lot of guys, especially with that Urahara guy. It was very funny and she gave me a few useless tips that made me uncomfortable. We’d sit in the evening after my training and talk in her backyard or in her room.

Byakuya and I didn’t talk much as I wanted us to. He was an annoying twit that I wanted to hate. I had to admit Byakuya was my friend, even if he doesn’t think I am one.

The evening was about to commence. The sky was pink and the sun was about to set. Sensei and I were playing the exercise. He was following me and I was hiding my reiatsu. I ran as fast as my legs could pump. I stopped for a while, catching my breath as I stooped low. I laughed with excitement and glanced behind me to see if Sensei Kyoraku was on his way. I heard a faint sound of gushing water. I focused my mind and flash-stepped like Sensei told me to.

I landed on soft green grass. The trees surrounding me were blossoming purple flowers. There was a breathtaking river in front of me with water clearer than glass. The trees had low mahogany branches. My ears discovered a soft snore as I turned around to see a figure lying on the branch. I walked closer to see that it was Byakuya himself, lying on the branch, one arm hanging down and his cheek pressed against the branch.

I smirked. “It seemed I’ve found great noble Byakuya’s hiding spot. Hmph,” I chuckled. I made my way to the river, cupped my hands in the water and splashed my face with the cool water. The sensation was unbelievable.

“You don’t have to brag, you know.” I wiped my face with my sleeve and turned towards Byakuya, who had one eye open.

“Didn’t know you had to hide,” I remarked.

“Just from everyone else,” he opened both eyes now and straightened himself propping his back on the branch. He was so beautiful, even I had to admit. I bet every one of those girls would kill to see him like this. “Why do you hate my so much?” Byakuya asked me.

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