chapter 1

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Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Britondii Luca

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

2 years later.....

Britondii Luca pov

"Only you ,my good friend"I laughed softly,in amusement shaking my head and allowed my body to fall back lazily onto the bed.

The things that boy did . I pitied his husband. Poor John.

"Yes babe. I kid you not. Right there in the hotels elevator not at all bothered that someone might enter at one of the floors. It was the private one though. We are staying in the presidential suite, so we have the privilege of having our own elevator.

"Thank God" I sighed, heavily relieved still, not exactly. It hardly did anything to quell the pounding of my heart. Were there not cameras in that thing?

I had not inquired though, because I knew his answer would probably lead me to an early grave and I really could not afford to die,leaving my two year old child an orphan. Not exactly. Her father was not really dead but still for the past 2 years he was just as.

"All the same Lucas, I must say goodbye. I have to work in the morning and no more elevator love making. I don't care if it is private or how aroused you are. Save it until you have reached your suite. I love you and send my love to my brother."

My best friend and his long time partner John were currently on their honey moon in France. They were staying at a fine hotel operated by a gay couple and only open to members of the LGBT community. I did not know how they found it but I had been extremely ecstatic when I heard the news. I was beyond happy for them,over joyed even. They would not be faced with homophobia if seen showing affection in the place.

Lucas complained."He wanted it too. He is not as innocent as the world thinks he is you know " I laughed at my friends arguing. He was often times, too much for me to handle . "We love you more. Kiss our sweetie pie for us" a short while later the call was concluded.

I walked over to my sleeping daughters pink, oval shaped crib.

"Mommy loves you, baby" I whispered and kissed her forehead,tucking her Dora blankets under her chin. My daughter's father was not around but she lacked nothing and I loved her many times enough for the both of us.

I kissed her a second time,"that is from your uncles."


Early the next morning, the loud sound of Sebriina's wailing awoke me from my slumber. I quickly removed myself from the queen sized bed and rushed to her side.

She had been teething and needed the pacifier. I fingered the padded insides of the hard wood crib and located the the small plastic package containing the soft donut shaped soother.

"Hush little baby,don't you cry" I commenced to hum the rhyme and gradually her wails got softer until she stopped completely and began to chew the soft gel-like ring.


"Good morning, Emily " I greeted the baby sitter when she arrived that morning.

My daughter would commence to attend kinder-- preparatory in two weeks when the semester began and after that,I would not need a baby sitter anymore. At least,not as often. From time to time if the need for one arose and such assistance be required, Emily would be the one to call. Most definitely. Not only was she excellent at her job but the woman was a God sent. One whom Sebriina adored. Immensely so.

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