chapter 5

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I am really slacking off with the updates. Nuh true? This time I had Writers Block. Sobs 😭

This chapter is not edited . There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I entered the large grandly decorated, soft lighted dining room and saw there had still been multiple guests who still had not occupied their places at the tables.

A tad closer to my body I clutched my purse and got ready to walk to the tables with the aim of locating where my name would be.

"Miss Luca " the voice I had grown unfortunately accustomed to said my name. Her tone slightly anxious.

What was it that this girl wanted now?

Inwardly, I released an exasperated sigh and shook my head quelling my brewing aggravation. "Yes Amy? "

"Miss, have you heard the news? " instead of immediately responding to her question which I had come to detest greatly, I shook my head resisting the urge to hit the girl. How could it be that a single person could indulge in idle banter so?

"Amy"I scolded my voice firm. "I have become utterly disgusted with your behavior. You are a grown woman and yet you partake in so much foolish gossiping as if you are but a loose teenage girl and of that you should be ashamed. Let me warn you Amy, if you return to work tomorrow morning with this nonsense, you will be served with a written warning. Goodnight. "

I shook my head and turned away from her, the base of my nude heels hitting the floor as I walked to the tables.

"Miss ," she caught up with me, clearly not registering my disapproval.  " I have heard who the incoming boss is miss. He is the president of the Monteiro Industries miss. Sebastian Monteiro. "

Her words whether they were factual or merely an idle speculation shocked my very being, to it's core. Still I paid the feeling and the girl who had spoken very little mind and continued my walking.

"What was this charade?" I questioned my self.  This nonsense? The Monteiro Industries was not involved in the business of the four wheeled machine as was Wellington and Paul's.

Shaking my head clearing my disbelief I located my name and took my seat. From my peripheral vision I eyed the jewelled golden chair next to me.

Who was the incoming head exactly?

Gracefully, I brought the glass of wine to my lips and took a small sip as if testing it's taste then replaced it gently to it's place on the table.

All through the dinner the guest of honor had been absent and that I had found questionable, torturous even. The words Amy had so casually spoken had caused me a sort of internal uproar. The girl was a ruthless gossip but often times her news was accurate.

Still, I refused to believe the president of the Monteiro Industries was the now owner of the business I managed. And what if he was?  The man was nothing to me.

Nothing but the father of your child and the first and only man you had ever loved.

Cutting a small slice of the rich, dark chocolate ice cream cake we were served for the dessert I raised the fork to my lips, closing my eyes in content as the delicious sweet melted away into my mouth.


The sound of metal connecting with the hard surface of glass caused me to cock my head to the left and cast my eyes on Mr Wellington who cleared his throat preparing to speak.

The laid back, jovial man opened his mouth to speak. "Are you ready to meet tonight's guest of honour? The man for whom this dinner was made to welcome? The new owner of Wellington and Paul's? " the room was immediately filled with shouts of "Yes! " and cloud clapping.

And though I too clapped, I did so absentmindedly and remained mute. Desperately anxious to know what Amy had said was accurate.

"This man, " the out going head went on to continue  "is no ordinary person. A  well respected business tycoon he is, who runs one of the worlds largest and most successful empires. Please continue to put your hands together and help me make welcome the president of the Monteiro Industries. Sebastian Monteiro."

Suddenly, I heard nothing and I saw nothing. My body had gone unmoving, numb and a painful throb had begun at the front of my head.

The man whom I detested the most was now my boss.

Shaking my head quelling the paranoia, I composed my self.

I was not the foolish girl I had been years ago but a respectful woman and mother.  I would be damned if I allowed this measly alteration to cause me any disturbance.


Photo of Mariano Di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro

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Photo of Mariano Di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro.

Sebastian Monteiro (the new boss)  pov

I watched dejectedly as the woman I loved wordlessly walked from the crowd of guests that had gathered to extend their welcome. But to them, I paid little attentiom. I focused only on the back of the back of the woman who neared the door that led outdoors.

It had been expected that she would not have been as ecstatic as the other guests when she had come to know I had purchased the company.

But the immense hostility that portrayed itself in her eyes when she shook my hand, like a sharp knife stabbed at my heart, piercing it deeply.

The unmistakable hatred that had dominated the lovely blue gems almost turning them black wounded my barely holding soul.

My love detested me still.

"Mr Monteiro" a woman from the crowd questioned, " with an experienced businessman as yourself ,you will soon transform this small company into an empire. Will you not? "

My eyes lingered still.. on miss Luca who had begun to disappear through the door. And God knows it hurt as if she were walking out of my life. Again.

"Excuse me " I excused my self from the crowd, my voice almost inaudible and ran after the fleeting woman.

Alas, by the time I reached the chilled out doors, she had already left. The deafening roar of her speeding car ringing painfully loud in my ear. And my heart.

I will not allow you to escape me tomorrow, miss Luca.

Sebastian a go hard cause him naah go home. A it man.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?  Let me know in the comments.

What do you think of Amy?

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I love you so


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