chapter 14

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Hello sugar pops,

Dedicated to my boo ShereseBrown5

Photo of Mariano di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

When it all comes tumbling down.

"Miss Luca, " Mr. Monteiro's voice was a husky, low, magnetizing rumble as his brawny fingers held gently and lovingly carressed the nape of my neck, his masterly curved irrefragably luring lips closely upon my own.

For a smatter of seconds, perchance even a more extended amount of time, I could only watch him, unable to do much differently, not capable of a reaction.

Unforseenly, it was as if I had no longer possessed the faculty to move or to speak. As if suddenly, I were ceded both physically and verbally disabled.

It was, undoubtedly the outcome of the aggrandizing anger and stupefaction I felt towards the man who had the gall to so intimately touch me, so damn familiarly as if it were his prerogative.

"Miss Luca" a second time he growled my name, the tone identical to the one he had used prior. It was incontestably hot, seductive and alluring.

His lips ever so lightly brushed against mine. "I swear to God Miss Luca, I dream of tasting this torturously delicious mouth of yours every night. If right now I don't kiss you, I feel as if I might go mad. Please do not reprobate me baby. Grant me the chance, I beg you, please. "

His beseeching vocalizations, the name of affection he had the courage to label me, his warm minted breath against the skin of my face, like an unexpected jolt of lightening jerked me from the dazedness in which I was arrested.

Together my teeth clasped closely, hard enough to cause a slight stir in my head.

What was this charade?

This damn drama?

How dare he come to this place just to behave as such with me?

How dare that disingenuous, pathologically mendacious, filthy beast?

Quietly, I laughed at the man's audacity and shook my head. I had never before in my life experienced as I had that moment towards he who stood before me.

Then, out of wrathfullness, I could have ended his life and not feel a single twinge of remorse.

"How dare you? " I accused, the hiss low, appearing composed as my anger would permit me to speak no higher, however, the rage radiating was not to be missed. "Do I belong to you that you will just touch me or speak to me as you wish?  Tell me sir, who do you think you are? "

He effortlessly leaned against the hard wood desk and grasped the sides. "You are mine Miss Luca and I am yours.  You love me as I love you. Am I wrong?  Is that not the reason you have not been with another man since you left me?  Is that not why you detest me so, because after all that has been said and done you still love me? Baby I love you, that is why I am here, for you and Sebriina. Baby please allow me one chance to make things right. For us, for our child. "

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