chapter 7

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Life is a pen. You cross out your past. But you can't erase it.

Britondii Luca pov

My teeth rather tightly clenched, just hard enough to stir a slightly throbbing migraine. Out of habit, I closed my windows of sight and shook my head, my neck stiff. In the driver's seat of my Range Rover parked at the Wellington and Pauls staff parking lot in the space I had self claimed as only mine since the very first week of my employment. Eyes still unopened, I rested desperately my lightly aching head on the leathered headrest as mentally I composed myself, much like I had done since the beginning of the week.

Since the day after the meeting with Se-- your boss really.

It had become a religious routine. One I often considered a type of therapy, of some sort.

Though out loud, never would I confess this even not to my self, again working in the same company as Sebastian Monteiro immensely affected me, it was almost becoming bothersome.

With the speed of Barry Allen The Flash my hatred for the man had multiplied over the past 5 days.

How much longer could I keep up this front?  The professional stone faced facade? As if the fact that my superior who had been only a few short steps away from my office had absolutely not a single effect on myself. After all, he was the man who I detested most in this life.

In my head, from my minds lips I repeated those words that had become like my philosophy, almost.

I would be damned if I allowed this measly alteration to cause me any disturbance.

But the brutal truth was, it already had.


"Good morning Amy" I heralded the girl, my voice warm, welcoming.

The receptionist, instead of uttering a verbal greeting, briefly lifted her head from the computer and offered a small smile.

Since served with the written warning four days prior, there had been a massive if not miraculous change in the young woman's behavior. Now, she was more reserved, quiet. Often times, unless it was essential, the girl did not speak rather she smiled more and made her work her first priority. It was peculiar her sudden change. It was as if she were intimidated, maybe even shy, the look in her eyes each time I spoke to her.

She was served with a written warning Britondii. She knows it means trouble if her loose behavior continues. Why do you over think so?

Either way, whatever had propelled the change it was immensely appreciated, welcomed. As mentioned previously, Amy was an excellent employee an asset to this business and I would be saddened if I were to fire her but if it came to that, I would not hesitate to do so.

Hence, I prayed the new Amy was permanently.


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