chapter 11

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Hello my loves,

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

Utterly exhausted, deeply, I exhaled, pushing to the side of the desk yet another stack of files as greedily, thirstily I gulped down the remaining half bottle of purified water. Raising my hand, I checked the time on the Invicta wrist watch. Almost a quarter to 4 in the afternoon.

As It was clear by the amount of work left to be completed before I left the office for the weekend, I would not anytime soon go home, I, ahead of time had by phone contacted Emily, the dependable baby sitter requesting her assistance with my daughter and readily the lovely girl had agresed.

Buried face down in the mound of paper work tauntingly piled on the desk as if mocking me, the shrill unexpected clanging sound of the telephone ringing was an incessant pound deep into my skull.

"Yes Amy? " I addressed the caller by name, answering the phone.

"Miss? " she replied, her voice sounding not like her own and instantly I detected panic.

"Miss?" This time the word was nearly a scream and only then did I realize the sounds of loud boisterous shouts in the back ground. "Please come to the lobby now miss "but already that was my attention as I had gotten up from my chair.

Even before I entered fully the lobby, the unpleasant sound of a man's enraged voice could be heard as plainly as if I were standing before him.

"Where is the damn manager of this deceitful business? I need to speak with them.

"Sir? " Amy's voice was hysterical afraid. "If you don't calm down, I will have to call security sir."

"Call them" the man in a deriding manner shouted as if daring the receptionist to make the call "but I will not leave this place until I speak to whomever is in charge of this dump! "

My steps quickened until I arrived At my destination approaching bravely yet cautiously the agitated man. He looked as if he were nearing middle age and was balding, he was dressed untidily, beer bellied, his shirt wrinkled and a tad too short exposing his protruding belly button. He wore slacks and sneakers.

"What is happening here? " I spoke aloud, my voice firm, authoritative. "Sir it seems you have an issue, now if you follow me to my office we will discuss whatever is the problem"

The man's cat like grey eyes darkened a shade with animosity and tightly his large fleshy fists clenched at his side as if somehow my words had further angered him.

"Do you want to what the damn problem is lady? Three years after much persuasion from your damn sales man I purchased a car here. Recently it stopped functioning. I need a hundred percent or a new vehicle or else I slap this place with a lawsuit so huge even your children's children's great great grandchildren's children will still be working their assess of to pay me."

Silently I laughed shaking my head at the man's absurdity.

Was this a damn prank?

A joke?

"Have you taken the car to a mechanic sir? "

The man stomped his feet as would a young child before he replied."Are you patronizing me? Look here lady" he went on to speak or rather bark but his vulgar behavior sbrupty ended when the CEO entered and along with him 2 savage looking bulky law men, their faces menacingly contorted.

"I want this man arrested for trespassing." He instructed the officers, his voice dark, commanding. He turned to face me. "Are you alright Miss Luca? "


"Jesus Christ" a sharp whimper of pain was the sound that emitted from my fading light pink lipsticked mouth. Checking the time, I saw it was minutes after 6pm. I should have left and gone home nearly forty five minutes ago but my time of dismissal had to be delayed as there was still a considerable amount of work to be completed.

Softly, exhaustedly I closed my sea blue eyes and unattractively, sloppily I slumped forward my breasts against the desk top, my head in my hands. I ground harshly my teeth and my hands moved on to massage gently the nape of my neck.

All of this I did in aspiration to assist in quelling the maddening pound that had begun in my head.

"Damn it" in frustration I moaned, slamming shut in annoyance, the laptop computer as if it were the sole cause of my pain when the pace of the migraine picked up, quickened as if I were with a hammer being mercilessly pounded in the skull.

When, a few minutes ago, the headache had just developed, with the remaining half bottle of water I had swallowed 2 pain killers but not even they had even remotely aided in easing the pain.

Soon after I passed out from the exhaustion.

Or had I?

Large calloused hands gently, expertly lovingly caressed my neck going down. Without thought I leaned over into the embrace, insatiable, wanting more and more of the touch.

Even with the first touches of his hands on my skin like a miracle, magic, the cure I needed, the throbbing ache had begun to disappear.

His lips touched my hair. "You need to get some rest."

Would he stop now?

Oh God no.

"Don't stop please"I sighed, holding on to his fingers. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and sank the edges into the soft flesh, as a tad I leaned my head to the side, granting him more access.

"Is my touch helping with the pain? "He questioned, his husky velutinous baritone deep, husky, arousing and much like his hands it carressed me.

My eyes still unopened, I confessed quietly. "Brandon I want you"

His response was a raw alluring growl "I want you too miss Luca. God knows I want you so damn bad. "

"Then take me, please "

He placed his lips against my ear, heated tears fell from his eyes on to my shoulders. Burning me. His voice was nearly inaudible "I can't"

For those who have not read Tempting the Billionaire the prequel to this story. Sebastian's full name is Sebastian Brandon Monteiro.

Was miss Luca dreaming ?

Or was it reality?

Stay tuuuuned to find out.

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Till next time my loves

I love you endlessly

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