chapter 19

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Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Sebastian's love Miss Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may not even add up.

Britondii Luca pov

Back to the office but so the beginning point.

Upon arrival at the kindergarten preparatory school's area of parking, leaving my bag and iPhone inside, I disembarked the vehicle and opened the back door.

"Mama no pwease" Sebriina whined her beauteous, cute face and prepossessing, alluring green gaze beseeching and desolate once she were elevated from the car seat.

I shook my head when the first warm drop of eye water fell onto my shoulder, searing the shirt, incinerating the skin beneath, after which more ponderous and fervid tears followed.

"Mama" my daughter sniffled when I gave her back an affectionate rub. "Baby, did you not promise me you would not cry this morning. Please do not break your promise-- if you do, I will become sad."

You broke yours.

In response, my Sebriina wrapped her arms tighter around my neck and incrementally as we traisped closer to the entrance of the class room ,her seizure slackened and her sobbing subdued and were not as intermittent until completely it had ceased.

The class teacher Miss Shakes greeted us at the doorway, her refulgent smile unpretentious and catching. "Good morning Miss Luca, it is wonderful to see you. I heard you were unwell."

I smiled at the young woman. "I am feeling much better now, thank you"

The petite teacher then put her hand on Sebriina's arm in a soft touch. "How are you this morning Little Miss Monteiro? Did you have a good weekend?"

My daughter nodded. "Yes"

"I love you beautiful" I brushed a light Peck against Sebriina's forehead and her small arms wrapped around me. "Bye mama, wuv you" and she recrudesced the effervescent, lively chatter with the pretty, dark skinned girl next to her whom to me she had introduced as her "pwetty, pwetty fwend Mallika".

I gave to the girls one final wave and walked to the door, departing.


I egressed the vehicle and in contentedness, delight beamed to myself.

Despite the fact that I had been absent from the place where I were employed for a mere smatter of days ,I had missed to a large extent, collasaly the office. I missed working.

Clasping the clutch, I traversed to the innards of the establishment.

"Oh Miss Luca! You are back!" The unforeseen, obstreperous high pitched shriek as I approached Amy's desk almost knocked me to the floor, astounding, starting me-- the girl had carried on as though I were her long lost great cousin and as she clapped together gleefully her hands, I wondered if the bear hug would soon come.

From importuneness,irritation I brusquely shook my head at the young woman's ridiculousness, her childish antics and although after a week of absence I had missed ninety nine things about the workpkace, the chafing receptionist were not one.

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