chapter 17

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At the top is a photo of Ashley Graham who plays Sebastian's love, Britondii Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov


Non abrasively, without force, he brought my back upon the wall, the touch of his stroking grasp onto my neck graceful and light -- perhaps even sedative-- I softly closed my eyes. And as he spoke ,his words strong, impetreating and seeming unfeigned and for a compendious, the briefest of moments as though I had been enchanted, I could only stare into his striking green eyes which had incontrovertibly lost some of their colour -- however, just the same, decisively they were stunning, resplendent, breathtaking.

"Miss Luca"indolently, at a slow leisurely pace, he followed with his thumb, the formation of my Adam's apple, brushing it against my chin -- the brutally crude bandages roughly grazing the flesh. "Baby stop please. Do you not see I cannot leave you?  Not now-- not ever?"

On it's own accordance, my breathing oscillated, hitched as I watched the man before me hale a full, observably trembling bottom lip between his pure white teeth and sank the edges into it. He had not made an assay to remove his hands that now rested onto my shoulders, to clean the tears cascading from their ducts-- inundating his handsome, chiselled face.

I observed him-- unable to locomote, to make an utterance of something --anything.

Still as a tomb I were-- merely gazing wordlessly, without motion at the man.

Sebastian pressed his lips to my forehead as his large hands carressed my cheeks, a small troubled laugh slipped from his mouth.

"I am a fool to have lost you, am I not Miss Luca?" He shook his head and quietly rumbled again -- the sound as equally as pained as the former. "I must be the most idiotic of men onto this earth -- to ever have hurt you-- the woman I love more than I love my own self-- the most beautiful creature to have graced this land-- the mother of my child. God knows there is not a day I do not despise myself for all I had put you through. There are no excuses to justify my actions other than selfishness, pride, fearfulness,  but baby I am here as a man who has taken the first steps to be worthy of his family-- his love. I need you Miss Luca."

He lowered his head and rested his forehead against mine and whispered. "I love you" the eye water as they landed onto the skin of my face hot, scalding. "I know you detest me my love, but somewhere into the farthest depths of that hatred, is there not even a ounce of love that propels you to want us to try again?  For us-- for our child?  For me?"

My jaw tightened and my lips formed into a thin straight line whilst to a great extent, I aimed to tune out the unexpectedly detracting feel of his warm minted breath, tickling me.

I ground my teeth.

What foolishness was this?

Why had out of the blue were I allured by the closeness of this vainglorious, self-absorbed, deceptive barbarian?

"My love, say something please-- I beg you."

In anger, I shook my head-- how dare his audacity? I located, at last, my voice.

The first words were low, collected, a whisper and then escalated to an enraged high pitch. "Damn you Sebastian. Who the fuck do you think you are? -- That you will just storm into my life and flash demands as though I am beholden to you?  From whom did you get the right to speak to me of things you know zilch of?" Whilst I raged he only watched me, his face catatonic, unreadable, free of an emotion. "I swear Sebastian I loathe you so-- that I would without a second thought thrust a knife into your heart and watch in unlimited delectation as the blood disembogued from the wound.

A low, despondent and forlorn chuckle came from Sebastian as he ran both hands over his face then his lightly moist head. "It is best you engrave it into your thick, dense head, you will never again be apart of my self and my child's life. You long ago lost that right and I swear to God I would prefer to be condemned than to even remotely consider differently.

I raised my hand to plant an afflicting backhand across his face but in a quick reflex he grabbed my wrist, raising it above my head and so he did the other, capturing me his large frame covering my own. He gazed deeply into my eyes as if endeavoring to study my soul.

I ground my teeth and closed my eyes.

His mouth neared my ear, his breath as he spoke hot and distracting. "Miss Luca cease to beguile me-- yourself. I see the truth in your eyes. Dont fight it my love. Please consider all I have said. As God as my  witness baby, I swear I will never hurt you again."

Wordlessly I stared at him and I noted the honesty, the truthfulness and I listened to it as he talked.

I saw my beloved Brandon-- the man who loved me above all things, the man who would rather be damned than to hurt even a strand of hair onto my head.

I saw my Brandon.

At the same time when I said the words however soft spoken and unsure they were-- they startled me. "Alright Brandon-- I will"

He hand covered his mouth, staring into my eyes and then released a laughter that could only be identified as joyous and thankful. "Oh God, thank you. Thank you my love" and this time as he cried-- they were tears of unadulterated gladness.

"Thank you my love"countless times, he gratefully whispered and he brushed a small loving kiss onto the corner of my mouth.

Then with king- like elegant strides, he left me.

Let me know your thoughts. Are you excited? I am!

I love you.

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