chapter 27

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Photo of Mariano di Vaoi who plays Sebastian Monteiro.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
The devil wears an apron

By my own doing had my slumber become abbreviated by the murderous migraine. The afflictive results of the excessive alcohol I had nonsensically ,foolishly intaken for two days straight. And for what plausible reason?

The fact that my dexterously, carefully formulated plan had backfired and bitten off an almighty chunk of my derriere?

Or was it because I had allowed a certain bothersome, barbaric billionaire to weasel his way back into my heart?

Something I had pledged would never happen.

Perhaps you had desiderated for it to happen! My subconscious chipped,the bottomless blue pools that she possessed as eyes set ablaze while she jabbed the air with delicate,blood red painted nails. Perhaps that is the reason you had executed your master plan. Be true to yourself Miss Luca.

"God damn it!" I uttered a mental hiss, biting down onto my lips. I bloody despised that man.

But God,I had not even spoken to my baby girl since I left her at her uncle's home. Instead, I had been drinking my self to madness.

Damn that devil!

The same voice in my head quipped, do not fault the man for your own short comings woman! This is all your doing. You made your bed, now you must lie on it

I sighed deeply and located my iPhone, placing a video call to my child.

Just as soon as my daughter's beautiful bubbly face dominated the screen of the hand held device ,her cute smile breathtaking and her squeals of utter blissfulness, exposing her teeth and tongue, now a temporary blue because of something she had recently eaten. Most likely a sweet. All my trouble were lifted and I could think of nothing but the little green eyed girl. The centre of my universe.

"Mammaaaa! Yaayy! I missed you!"

I giggled, tears filling my eyes. "I missed you more beautiful."


My best friend inquired,arresting green eyes displaying many an emotion. "Are you okay babes?"

"Yes Lucas." I forced a laugh."I am good and after this brain demolishing hangover has eased, I will be even better."

"Brii are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes. "I am most certain Mr. Marajh."

He offered a small,sheepish smile." Wonderful! But are you not mad at me?"

In the utmost confusion I raised a brow,why would I  be upset with Lucas? I posed the query.

"Girl --" the remainder of his wordings literally had fallen on deaf ears when I heard what sounded like footsteps approaching  and my eyes wandered into the direction of the  door. Imagine my shock when they rested upon the devil himself-- into my house. He sported a t-shirt,sweatpants hanging low onto his hips exposing the tops of his under shorts, in an apron  appearing rather at ease with a tray of good food captured into his large, stalwart hands.

The bottomless baritone of the intruder brought me back to life. I realised I had been caught staring. "Hey baby are you awake? How are you feeling now? I made you something to eat."

You can't even cook.

I aspired to climb out of the bed and cast the devil out of my home , however much as I endeavoured to make my love, I could not. The hangover had left me physically immobile.

Are you sure it is the hangover or is it the man?

I closed my eyes momentarily and massaged my aching temples. I could only muster a quiet whisper. "Mr. Monteiro just go please."

I was so tired.

He approached me, his voice quiet, beseeching , imploring me to listen. "Miss Luca please give me a chance. I--"

Headache suddenly disremembered, I tore the remainder of the bed sheets from my body and with a fastness that would have allowed the Flash' s speed to appear like a snail's pace, I left the bed.

Screaming and shouting like a mad woman, I slapped the tray from his hands, glass containers shattered onto the tiled floor and pieces of food flew here and there.

"I was sick and tired of you sebastian! I am tired of you! Can you not fucking comprehend that I don't need you? Neither does my child. And who gave you the right to enter my home as though you are entitled to? Answer me Sebastian! Who do you think you are?"

He just watched me, beckoning me. "Cone here Miss Luca."

I fell to my knees,pleading. Mentally and physically I were so tired, so weak. "Sebastian," I sobbed,shaking my head."Please just go. I don't want to love you again. I can't. Just let me hate you please."

He keeled before me,  taking my hands in his. "I cannot do that Miss Luca. I cannot continue to live a life where you do not exist as my love, my wife. Okay?"

The quiet words fell from my lips before I could stop them. "Okay."

God knows I was tired of fighting it. I needed to be set free from the inner shackles which held me bound.

He responded,his voice low and horse. A tear fell from his eye and landed on my hand. "Thank you baby. I love you so much and I promise to be the man that is worthy of you."

I said the words that would set me free. "I love you Brandon."

This book is nearly completed. A few more chapters n it will be.

As usual,let me know your thoughts.

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Till next time my loves,

Take care

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