chapter 3

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some Things may even not add up

Britondii Luca pov

"Oh Jesus baby" I wantonly moaned dragging my nails across his scalp when his velutinous skillful tongue tickled the sensitive entrance of my ear canal. I rubbed my palm across his hard swelling crotch the fabric of his boxers separating my hand from his hot skin.

He growled equally as passionate,"I have missed you so much my love." Capturing my lips in a captivating delectable kiss. Scalding tears fell from his eyes and landed on my skin,sizzling it. "I love you miss Luca "


"Oh God " I rose from my slumber,drenched heavily in sweat heat and wetness pooling between my thighs and my breathing laboured. Why was I dreaming about my child's father?

I had not thought or dreamed about him in so long as I had buried all memories of him in the darkest deepest pit of my mind.

Though the room was air conditioned, it did not quell the heat inside me. My body was still hot and coated in the warm salty liquid.

Checking on my daughter who was sleeping peacefully, I walked to the bathroom for a quick shower.

The time was early, merely minutes after 5am.

Under the warm spray of water I composed myself. Sebastian Monteiro meant nothing to us. He was a deceased man. My dream was just that. A dream. A foolish case of a nocturnal emission. Refusing to take notice of my still throbbing clit, I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower bath.


The incessant drumming on the door caused me to set down a giggling Sebriina back into her padded play pen and rushed to answer it. Emily must have arrived. God bless her sweet soul.

I had called her requesting her services and she had come right away. The woman really was a darling.

"I hope you did not have a previous engagement Emily. Have I disturbed any plans ?" I asked the young woman,setting my purse strap onto my shoulder.

"No miss" she replied lifting Sebriina who was laughing up a storm from her crib. My. My. Someone was mighty happy today.

"Ok" I said preparing to leave,after kissing affectionately my bundle of joy. "I am not certain for how long I will be out but you do know where everything is. If anything happens or you need something, do not hesitate to call me. Alright?"

The girl nodded, fully aware of the drill by now. I would not be comfortable leaving without reminding her.

"Good bye Emily"

"Bye miss" I often told the girl to call me by my first time but she never did so I let her be.

"Wuv you mama"Sebriina squealed and I laughed,pecking her forehead.

"Mommy loves you too princess"


"You look wonderful Brii" my best friend kissed my cheek. I looked down on the rock on his ring finger.

"You can crack a man's skull with that Lucas " I joked and he laughed.

We met up at the Italian restaurant Enoteca's parking lot. He and his husband had returned from France just last week and had come to visit Sebriina and I bringing gifts for us and souvenirs for the house.

We had decided to meet today for lunch then to pick out a gown for tomorrow's dinner. Quite frankly I could have just chosen to wear a dress that I had already owned but when I had told my best friend,the royal fashionista about the event he insisted that I get a new gown as my dresses were worn and outdated.

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