chapter 13

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Hello loves,

I watched Fifty Shades of Grey 2 days ago for the first time. It was awesome! Let's just say it kind of inspired this chapter.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Sebastian Monteiro pov

If ever you are in my arms again, this time I will love you much better.


Erotically, I stated at the stunningly beautiful woman writhing wantonly under me. Her moans of passion maddening.

"I love you so much baby"I huskily whispered, the sound lustful, raw and a tad muffled my lips pressed hard against her flushed skin as I kissed and sucked every inch and curve of her body.

She gripped tightly, the cropped sided of my head as if uprooting the strands. Locking tightly her legs around my waist, the woman I loved whimpered "Please Stop teasing me"

My response was a low chuckle. "But my love, you know I like to hear your wanting moans before I make love to you." My fingers grazed ever so slightly her sides, barely touching her, my cock hardening as she gasped biting her swollen pink bottom lip.

When her hand slipped inside the waist of my sweat pants I hissed, as she stroked at a tormenting slow pace my pulsating leaking length.

"Damn it, sweetheart. You will make me cum before I even enter your tight, wet, " I said quietly the word against her ear, licking behind it as I spoke, "pussy"


Winding off the pouring water of the spraying shower head, I leaned against the wall stroking my erected sheath. The images of the nights wickedly amorous dream still vivid and fresh in my head as if it were a reality. As if she was ready and waiting in my bed.

Jerking harder my self, I closed my eyes and leaned back my head.

Will I ever again get the chance to touch Miss Luca as I often so freely did in my dreams?

Ever will I get the right to do so as I had in our past?

I shook my head subduing the pestiferous furor of thoughts as I clenched tightly my jaw, nearing my release.

"Oh Miss Luca" I ground my teeth as the hot thick seed coated the middle of my hand.


Entering later that morning the office, I noted that Miss Luca was already busy at work.

I studied her breasts, firm against the material of her grey button front shirt. I hardly held my own, desiring nothing more than to walk over to her and tear off her clothes as if I were a wild beast, the bodacious details of last nights dream manifesting them selves in my head.

She looked up suddenly from the computer before her as if only now realizing my presence.

"Good morning Mr. Monteiro." Damn,her voice was music to my ears.

I smiled. "Good morning Miss Luca. As we, of today will be working very close together, you may call me Sebastian."

Too much too fast don't you think? Do you really believe she will agree to address you as such, fool?

Would she?

With bated breath, I observed as she shook her head, her face serious, her voice no nonsensical, her eyes cold, "We are not friends Mr. Monteiro. "

Last night though, we were more than friends.

"Alright" through tightly clasped teeth, I gritted "let's get to work then. "


Miss Luca rubbed the back of her neck again --an action I knew she often did whenever she were stressed or tired.

"Are you alright Miss Luca? " I voiced my concern watching her from my desk, resisting the urge to rush to the woman's aid, massage away her frustrations like I had done mere nights before.

Her eyes remained focused on the work on her desk top her voice tight. "I am fine Mr. Monteiro. "

"Do you need me to get for you a cup of coffee? Juice from the refrigerator? Water?"

"Did you not hear what I had said sir? I am fine. "

So she said, but I could clearly see she was anything but. I walked over to her desk and stood before it.

"Then why do you keep tapping the pen against the paper? "

"Mr Monteiro please allow me to work in peace"

I ground my teeth. "Tell me how do I do that when you won't even allow me to breathe in peace? Do you not see miss Luca you are taking every last ounce of my breath away? "

She came to stand before. "Is this why you purchased this business Mr. Monteiro?" She accused, her voice a deadly calm although her face was distorted by rage "To harrass me? "

I laughed quietly, shaking my head. "Harrass you miss Luca? Never. However, right now your lips are tempting me and I feel as if I will go mad if I don't get to this minute, taste them."

Rather than giving her time to respond, I grabbed on to her wrist and pulled her into my hard chest.

"I have thought of you every day for the last two years Miss Luca. God knows I dream of touching your beautiful thick body every night. Just let me kiss you right now please" I lowered my head, bringing my lips to meet hers.

Sas Christ Sebastian. A dat yu pick?

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Till next time my loves

Love ya

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