chapter 24

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many an error. Somethings may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
Hell Hath No Fury

When my gaze travelled along the lengthy string of messages, I shook my head-- a deed I had done as an attempt to kill the loud, rambunctious laugh that threatened to like the thunderous blast of a cannon fall as such from my lips. God knows my closest chum truthfully were some thing else.

His utterly ridiculous text messages included ones which read OMG ma hoe. I soo cannot wait to see you so hurry! Cute? Undoubtedly-- until he commenced his bitching. Literally.

You dirty ass bitch, this highlighter you have me sweating off ain't cheap you know. Bitch this is Jeffree Starrrrr. Oh, the ostentation. I laughed innerly.

And then, Thotty Ass Thot Thottianna, are you late because you a busting a quickie? Haha! My subconscious snickered. Wouldn't you like to know?

I grinned whilst I perambulated over to the sassy, cocksure creature perched as elegantly as royalty onto the side of his Lamborghini which had been equivalent in colour to his lips, bright, bright pink with a spatter of silver, ostentation transparent into his green eyes -- a look of pure maliciousness incised towards me onto his beauteous face. However, as I neared him his features transformed into a wide grin and he squealed, jumping up and down as though he were but a young child who had received a most awaited present. "Brii, OMG! You are here! I totally missed your sexy arse." And then I were engulfed into a bone demolishing embrace as he slammed countless kisses onto my forehead. To any wandering eye that had witnessed our reunion it would appear as though this overly extra child had not blessed his eyes on me for many a decade despite the fact that we had spent time together only a fortnight agone. I chuckled and giggled, pecking his lips, smirking. "You like ass don't you?"

He answered quickly. "Oh yes I do gorgeous" rotating his hips. "I do like ass. Why do you think I married that rounded millionaire?"

I hummed. "Hmmm," lowering the lids of my eyes, feigning heavy concentration. "Because he asked you for your utterly delicate hand in marriage?"

He smiled, his cheeks becoming florid. "Um, that too."

I held on to his hand. "Come onnn Lue."


Later that afternoon when we sat down into the restaurant we so often dined for lunch so many time agone, Enoteca, my friends gaze upon me, mischievous and naughty, I rolled my eyes. I knew that look well. "Brii" he pronounced every letter, giving the air an accusatory jut. "You have been getting the D!"

More like the T!

"Oh, dear lord." I released an all out exaggerated gasp as though my friend's utterance was the most preposterous of wordings,then took a most graceful sip of wine. "Whatever sort of obscenity do you so shamelessly speak of?"

He mimicked the act I had just now performed then grinned. "Oh you naughty naughty girl. Tell me every thing about the dirty deeds toy have been up to."

Oh no. I placed a finger on my securely sealed mouth, winking at my friend. I will not spill the beans just yet my dearest pal. Because, this story will he one for the history books.

Lucas must have read my mind for his features changed turned somber, concerned and he put his hands over mine and stared into my eyes. "Babe just be careful not to get hurt okay cause for you I will slash a bitch's throat.

Softly, I laughed. Only my friend would utter a thing such as that when he expressed closeness, care and concern. "Only you, Lue Boo."


"God, you look so beautiful tonight my love." Sebastian complimented, his voice a bottomless velutinous growl into my ear, descending all the way down to the lower parts of my spine. He pulled out for me the chair.

I smiled. "You must have said that a million times tonighy Mr. Monteiro. And you do not look so bad yourself."

Folding himself gracefully into his seat he proffered a devilish grin. "You must have said that a million times Miss Luca."

For a moment, I stared absentmindedly the glass of water. I wondered in admiration and-- happiness? Sebastian truthfully did not drink?

I were only made aware I had thought out loud when a man's voice remarked. "Mostly water. I have not had even the most microscopic sip of liquor in nearly three years Britondii."

I whispered, my eyes becoming tear filled, brushing my hand against his. "That is wonderful Brandon. I am so proud of you.

This were merely a facade right? Then why had it felt as unpretentious, so real?

Innerly, I scoffed. The only damn thing which which were real in all of this was the unmitigated detestation I possessed for the man before me.

I loathed Sebastian Brandon Mintero so much he would not leave my mind.

What do you make of Miss Luca's plan of revenge? Will it backfire? Or mayhap she will succeed in Torturing the Billionaire?

I desire to know more about my lovely audience.

Eminem is my most favourite artiste of all time but also I like Logic as well as Lucas Graham a lot. Who is/are your favourite artiste/s?

I love you loads.

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