chapter 8

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This Chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even add up.

Britondii Luca pov

A little too tightly, I twisted my bottom lip between the thumb and forefinger, sinking deeply into the inside of the left cheek, my teeth. An action I would not normally do as I shook thoughtfully my head  whilst I turned the key into the lock opening the office door.

Since I exited this morning the vehicle and stepped foot into the building, a sudden thought overwhelmed me.

The feeling that today I would be rather unpleasant surprised.

Still, I aimed to distract mentally myself from the humbugging thought. Since the last week, I had been prey to quite a few of those, and till date, none had proven to be more than what it was. A thought.


A soft gasp of fright left my  lips when I entered and was greeted by the unexpected sound of the familiar smooth velutinous baritone from behind the desk.

"Miss Luca you are 10 seconds late. And you know how very little I tolerate unpunctuality.

"What the fu-" an infuriated snarl was the sound that exited my mouth, more than only a little bit angry he had entered my office without my knowledge. Even more so before I had.

What was this man trying to prove?

Was he deliberately aspiring to push me over the edge?

Instead of completing the curse rigidly I stood staring dumbfounded with shock but also anger at the back of the man's thick dark mane.

"Is that anyway to speak to your boss miss Luca? Hurling expletives rather than responding respectfully to the man who signs your paychecks. Even if you do have some kind of feud with me Miss Luca, you are a professional and we both know how very unprofessional it is to bring personal matters to the office. Is that not so Miss Luca?"

Though his face remained hidden from my sight, I was certain from the sound of his voice, plastered on his face was the signature cocky smirk.

Clearing my throat, the sound similar to that of a stern classical head mistress, I decided I would not stoop to Mr. Monteiro's level rather my voice was polite, respectful. My morning had begun pleasantly and I would not allow him to change that.

He was not worth it. Not even remotely.

"Good morning Mr. Monteiro, is there something you need so very urgently sir?  Hence the plausible explanation as to why you have broken into my office before my arrival sir?" I forced a smile whilst he turned the chair around, his sculpted lips raised forming a conceited smirk.

I clutched tightly my purse, the left knuckle becoming white but also numb as internally I battled to not embrace the words that like a serpent, hissed wickedly in both ears.

Beat him into the head with the bag, until he convulses. That will teach him not to next time taunt you.

"Ah miss Luca" his chuckle low, amused, deriding almost. "Please call me Sebastian. And in reply to your query. The answer is you. It is you that I need"

At his words, on their own my teeth clenched in anger and I shook my head, tendrils of hair becoming loose, framing my face.

Who did this man think he was?

An all powerful god?

He sure looks like one though.

That he could behave however he liked and be faced with no repercussions?

No. Mr. Monteiro needed to know his place.

"Now you listen to me Mr. Monteiro, I do not know what it is that you think of yourself but I will not tolerate such advancing speeches. If ever again, I feel as if I am being harassed, I will hand in my letter of resignation."

As he rose from the chair and walked towards me, his steps gracious, elegant as a king's he closed the distanced that separated us. The man had the audacity to allow an entertained laugh to transmit from his full, pink mouth.

An arms length away, he halted his steps, an amused, mischievous almost, twinkle in his alluring green orbs.

"You did not allow me to finish Miss Luca." The sound that came from his lips was a low, cunning growl. It was husky, nearly captivating.

"I need you to inform the employees of the meeting which is to be held in the staff meeting room directly after lunch today."

Agitatedly, I ground harshly  my teeth, enough to cause a slight ringing in both ears, I was almost positive my face had been contorted with disapproval. And if it were possible both nostrils would have flared.

Who did this man think I was?  His personal assistant? I worked hard to be where I was in this business and I would be damned if I allowed this man to address me less or more than my position as manager here.

"Sir that is Amy, the receptionist's job. If there is a meeting, I suggest you speak to her about the preparations."

Though my words were respectful, light. The tone of my voice was firm, no nonsensical.

"Miss Luca why is it that you defy me so?  Can you not see it is only you that I need?"

Sebastian Monteiro pov

As I prepared mentally for the meeting, quickly I gulped down the half bottle of water that remained. I downed it as thirstily as though I had been deprived of the liquid for a year.

You are thirsty because you have been jerking off for two years.

Rising from the comfort of the large chair, I paced the the room. No later than this day, would I commence the proposal for inching closer to Miss Luca. The question that however harboured in my mind was a tad worrisome, depressing even.

Would I achieve more harm than good by rushing in so easily?  So soon?

When I entered the recently refurbished staff room . I noticed all were seated looking into the direction of the door, where I stood but I had eyes for only the blue eyed woman whose long black hair was raised into a high bun. The bun slightly messy, a result of how often she shook her head.

"Let us begin" my words were a disgruntled almost incoherent gruff. Miss Luca was yet to acknowledge me. It was as if to her I was invisible or even irrelevant.

Taking my seat, I observed as the employees watched me in anticipation as to why they were summoned to a sudden meeting, expectantly.

But still her eyes were face down as if the dark wood table had become an extremely fascinating piece of heart. I could not endure it any longer.

"Miss Luca" she raised her head, ocean blue eyes staring into my green ones. "Be with me."

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