chapter 16

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Photo of Mariano di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro.

I was suffering a huuuge Writers Block-- the worst WB in the history of WB.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

If I am not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?


Nsync- Gone
Boys || Men- On Bended Knees
R Kelly- If I Could Turn Back The Hands of Time
Backstreet Boys- Incomplete (bonus)

I locked imperviously, tightly my eyes, not negligibly even willing to endure the sight of my own refkection-- not now as the woman I loved felt such astromical abhorrence towards me-- even after I had so intimately touched her.

I had been dreadfully disgusted-- rather repulsed altogether by the heavily revolting, pathetic and piteous image of my own self.

Under, even, the sharp spatter of the streaming shower head  still my body remained sweltering, scorchingly hot as though I were a wandering man in the desert having no access to water and were very nearly dropping dead-- a certain sort of a panic attack of some kind.

God-- had Miss Luca detested me so that she had not been willing to see with her own two eyes how God damn much I loved her?  How badly I needed her?

Could truthfully had she not seen I were clrarly a vacous shell of a man without her? Without the effectuation of our love-- our beautiful child?

Did Miss Luca not see the pain and self loathe in my lifeless eyes -- the compunction, whenever I looked at her and was reminded of all the times in our past I had iniquitiously caused her excruciating tribulations?

God. So many times selfishly I had hurt the woman I loved.

"I am so damn sorry baby"the words echoed into the room, deriding me, making mockery.

"Fuck" a raw,bestial,howl belted, thundered from my throat as I mauled the mirror with my fists, the sound as the splinters sliced the flesh of my knuckles stinging, burning, the sound as the reflector shattered ear piercing and disparging. Still-- I did not soon cease. I continued to patter the glass, battering my fists, the physical pain had not even remotely equated to that of the internal, the ache into my heart.

As though I were a man who had lost every last ounce of his sanity, I vociferated. "Miss Luca, tell me you love me -- tell me you will forgive me-- tell me you will be with me. Baby please"and I commenced to pound the solid tiled wall till the time my hands were benumbed and facilely blood from the joints of my fingers.

I wept. "I am so sorry baby."


I  pulled quickly over my head the Hood of the dark grey coloured pullover whilst slowly the glistening golden doors of the elevator swept open.

"I am coming baby" to myself I quietly repeated the mantra as I jogged to the door of Miss Luca's suite-- and although my hands pained and pounded like a bitch, I had not focused on that. For now-- that had only been a minute issue. All that mattered was getting to Miss Luca. I would tell her how sorry I am for all the times I had caused her pain-- and how much I loved her. I would then plead for her forgiveness-- for another opportunity to start over, for our family-- for me.

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