chapter 25

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At the top is a photo of Mariano di Vaio who plays Sebastian Monteiro.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

"Oh no. God please no." I whimpered, beseeching the Almighty when hot, salt water jam packed my eyes, threatening to decamp from their clutches. I clenched the lids of the windows of sight, entrapping the tepid, saline liquid.

Tears were a sign of weakness, defeat,even immaturity. Innerly, I reiterated, pacifying, reminding my self I were not anymore the feeble, timid girl but a strong, experienced, matured woman to whom many including a three year old toddler looked up to. Britondii Luca was not a tolerator of nonsensical filth and she most definitely did not waste a commodity such as eye water over asinine, feather headed matters.

Gathering my particulars I eggressed the vehicle and traipsed towards Monteiro Motors formerly Wellington and Paul's Auto and Despite the fact that I were knowledgeable the words would fall on deaf ears, I repeated, to my self,them just the same. "Britondii Luca was a professional, she did not permit personal feelings or emotions to intermeddle into or affect her work-- howbeit already it had surpassed that -- a long long time ago.

"Good morning Miss Luca!" Ammy greeted as gleefully as an elderly gardener clipping their hedge when I neared her area of work, her voice as bright and luminous as the morning star.

I forced a smile, not for the gleeful receptionists sake but for my own, to convince my self nothing had the power to affect me. "Good morning Amy."

The girl beamed, undoubtedly as a result of my smile -- however fictitious it had been as well as my 'congenial' tone. "Miss do you have anything planned for the mooost wooonderful tiiime of the yeeear? " her voice a singsong and even though she made an inquiry, it was transparent she had not for a response, desiderated for she proceed with her happy speech. "Miss it is so nice of you to ask .well first I have dinner with the bae's parents and for that I am soooo excited. Yes miss. Did I ever mention to you that he is like dark hersheys chocolate? Yes Miss the real life definition of tall dark and handsome. There are rumours that he is only using me but I know people are just hating. So what if I pay his rent and buy his grocery.....he takes care of the electricity and the cable" Her voice trailed off in the back ground for whilst I kept on walking the girl kept on talking not realizing I had passed moments agone.

As I approached the translucent glass door which led onto the interior of our office, the unwelcome feeling of alarm washed over me and in that same moment of time, contemporaneously, my aggravation became more, significantly it ascended and tears of anger as well as remorse settled into my eyes.

I told you so! The dispicable inner voice chided for the millionth time, taunting deriding me.

No fucking tears! That was the authoritative, mental command I gave to myself. Were not I stronger than this? I admonished ,rebuking my ridiculous behavior. I then entered the office, my heart thumping in thunderous, earsplitting sounds against my chest and without any shame violently both hands quaked as though I were suffering from a nervous breakdown.

"You are precisely twenty two seconds late Miss Luca." The bottomless, velutinous rumble which belonged to my employer apprehended me just as soon as I had entered the room and despite the fact that I dashed instructions for my traitourous eyed to not as much as glance into the man's direction, they did not hearken and I found my wanton stare lapping up the elegant, delectable and well dressed appearance of he who would not vacate the residence of my mind.

I removed with the utmost physical and mental difficulty my gaze away from him, murmuring a quiet, "good morning sir."

It did not appear as though he caught on to my foul mood. Despite the fact that I had not looked at him, I heard the cocky grin in his voice. "Good morning Miss Beautiful Luca."

I shook my head and ignored him.

A brief while later, the damn aggravating man spoke up once more. "What do you have planned for Christmas?"

My response to him were not above a whisper. "Leave me alone, please."

"Miss-- Miss Luca, what's wrong?" He was quick to appear before me, his voice beseeching,alarm into his striking green eyes. "Please talk to me."

Further,his sincerity angered me and I catapulted at his head the small, glass pen holder. "Why don't you listen when I tell you to leave me alone Sebastian?" And the tears which were kept at bay for so long a time finally escaped. In drum loads.

In no time, Mr. Monteiro wrapped his stalwart arms around me, carressing my trembling back whilst I broke down, pleading, imploring for him to release me. As I struggled into his secure embrace, I sobbed. "I hate you Sebastian. I hate you so much."

Perhaps. My subconscious taunted, just before her thread of jeering I TOLD YOU SO'S. Perhaps, you are that same foolish young girl.

I utterly am not pleased whstsover with this chapter ya.

Still let me know your thoughts.

I love you so.

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