chapter 6

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Photo of Amy.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

Tentatively, I slowly, hesitantly even I pushed open the large transparent glass door, the entrance to my place of employment, my steps calculated, I entered the white walled lobby.

For a strange reason unbeknownst to myself, I was reluctant almost fearful of meeting Amy this morning. I shook my head clearing the foolish thought.

What more could this girl possibly utter from her mouth that would have brought me startle more than she already had?

I cleared my throat as I approached the girl religiously working at her desk, typing away furiously at the keyboard for the desk top computer before her. Mentally, I smiled softly at my line of sight.

In all honesty, it could not be denied, Amy was a nice girl, one who worked well, excellently even. If only she would cease to speak so casually of matters that concerned her none, she would have been better liked by her coworkers and more approachable to strike a conversation with.

"Hello Amy, " I nodded my bidding, continuing the short walk to my destination.

"Morning miss"the lobby receptionist raised her head briefly then lowered it once more, resuming her noisy tapping.

"Ah" To myself I mused, bending the slight curve that led to my office. "No news today? "

It seemed she had taken last night's warning seriously.


Contently sighing as I took in my area of work, I got seated in the cushioned brown leather chair preparing to commence the day's work.


The sudden loud shrill tone of the office phone's incessant ringing caused me to finally raised my head from the laptop and the piles of paperwork strewn across the desk.

"Good morning" I bade answering answering the call using the assistance of my shoulder blade to cradle the phone to my ear as I continued to jot down the information from the computer.

"Miss Luca " came the sound of the deep husky voice I had awoken to so many mornings and fallen asleep to many a night whilst it hummed softly at my ear. Shaking my head quelling the uproar of forbidden memories that had begun to resurface them selves at the forefront of my mind but also to compose myself.

I would be damned if I allowed the measly alteration to cause me any disturbance.

Shaking my head a second time, I replied to the man who was now my boss, my voice firm, unwavering.

"Yes sir? "

"Miss Luca " my name was repeated and he went on to speak. "I need you in my office now please. "

Now grasping the phone a little too tightly, a slight ache beginning to develop in my fingers, I responded equally as polite as he had been. "Very well, Mr Monteiro."

Concluding the call I arose from my chair but before I exited the office to meet with my superior, I shook my head and straightened the suit I wore, composing myself.

Here, Sebastian Monteiro was not the man whom I  despised the most but who now headed the business where I was employed. A meeting with him was inevitable, even more so, I was the sole manager.

Shaking my head, the high bun becoming a tad loose I pulled open my office door and journeyed to the new CEO's.

Sebastian Monteiro was my boss nothing more, nothing less. Prior to last night when he was introduced as the man who would take over the company, to me he was an unknown man.

"You may enter Miss Luca " the sound of Mr Monteiro's deep commanding voice bellowed after the first knock.

I entered the room and was first greeted with the sight of the boss' powerful upright figure his back facing me a bottle of water in one hand. Closing my eyes then reopening them almost as quickly, I opened my mouth ready to announce my presence. But the man before me lightly chuckled, speaking first.

"Almost as if you have again entered my office for the first time. Yes miss Luca? "He shook his head and released a second light hearted laugh, almost as if reminiscent.

Humorlessly, I laughed silently and shook my head, quelling a tad of my brewing anger.

How dare he?

Ignoring his words as if he had not just spoken I spoke, my voice firm but still polite. "You requested my presence Mr Monteiro? "

Finally facing me, he placed the half empty bottle of water on the desk. Sitting down in the black leather swivel chair he gestured for me to do the same but I remained standing.

"Miss Luca" he shook his head and rose from the chair to stand once more. ",you ignored me all of last night and when I searched for you I learnt you had already left. Why? If I had not known any better I would have perceived you are holding a grudge. Do have some thing against me Miss Luca?"

Oh so he was now deriding me?

Aggravated, I grinded my teeth and shook my head, resisting the sudden powerful urge to knock the man across the head with the chair before me.

What exactly did this man think of himself?

That he would come here and I would allow him to belittle me?

Or had he thought I was the same naive little girl who worshipped the very ground he walked on?

"Mr Monteiro, I say this with the utmost respect sir. As it is you have been here for less than a day and you don't know me nor I, you I think it is best that I tell you I do not tolerate such nonsense as this. I am here to work and to work only. Hence in conversations unaffiliated with this business I will not partake. Now, if you need me I'll be in my office." I turned to leave.

"Miss Luca " Mr Monteiro's voice growled. "Do not defy me. I am your boss. I will fire you."

"Then do as you please, sir"


"Miss" Amy squealed bursting the office door open and rushed in. She had not knocked. Something all of the employees knew I did not tolerate.

"Amy" I snapped, irritated with being rudely interrupted from my work. "What is of such importance that you did not even think of knocking before you barged in? It is best you have a plausible explanation. If not, I assure you, there will be trouble"

"Yes miss" the girl smiled brightly. "Miss last night at the event, you and Mr Monteiro was dressed accordingly. Miss everybody was-"

Uninterested in listening to her nonsensical tale in it's entirety. I cut her off, bringing my palm down hard on the desk. She jumped. "Amy leave my office this instant. And be advised you will be served with your first written warning before the day ends"

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