chapter 10

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Hey! I am excited as *bleep* to update. Till now for reasons above my control I have not had the chance to do so. I do not know when the next update will be however I hope to get back on schedule ASAP.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter and that it is worth the wait.

This chapter is a tad longer than the previous ones!

I love you so much my darlings.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

Gracefully,like a swans movements,long skillfull fingers as if strumming a note carressed me again and shamelessly , i begged him to never stop,desiring more,much,much more. His touch triggering a sensation too pleasing,too fulfilling,almost too great to bear.

"Ple,please" i stuttered,too far gone to speak sensibly,flashing my fingers as full,experienced lips touched my body and immediately after,like a reflex action my entire being reacted wildly.

"Baby shhh" the man consoled licking the form of my lips his tongue soft,smooth,like cotton or suede yet firm,hard,possessive. His voice was thick with lust, strained or forced as if it had taken the last ounce of strength he possessed to speak. "Just let the release happen my love. Close your eyes. I want to pleasure you. Please"

Though his words were few,the sensual hot growl aroused me further. If- that were even possible.

Wantonly, i writhed beneath him. "Take me. Take me now." Hungry i had been. Starved for the touch i had craved for so long. Tighter i wrapped my legs around his waist,as if constraining him,holding him captive. Not able to,not wanting to comprehend anything but the way this man worshipped my body and my heart.

A soft whimper left my lips as he feathered light delicate kisses on the tops of my breasts and teasing pecks around the hard,erected buds. So soft and graceful the movements were they could easily be mistaken for the touches of butterflies.

Desperately, i clawed away at his broad strong back ,frustratedly gasping when the strong hands that gripped desperately my hips moved on to carefully massage at a dangerously slow pace the insides of my thighs going upwards,my wetness becoming more,slipping onto his fingers.

His voice quiet, a tad too low perhaps it was almost inaudible and much as he had done a thousand times that night as he claimed my lips, he whispered,"i love you."


The lids that covered heavily my eyes slowly lifted ,opening and lazily they wandered around the dimly illuminated room. I hissed agitatedly my teeth as i realised that despite the cold temperature of the air conditioned room ,heavily my body was soaked in sweat.

I sucked air through my teeth uttering a disgruntled "fuck" as much to my irritation  the exotic details of the foolish dream replayed its damned self as if on repeat before the eyes of my mind.

Will I ever get rid of the childish nocturnal emissions?

Did i not anymore deserve a peaceful slumber?

Shaking my head,i ran my thumb across the corners of my mouth and clambered out of the bed,heading to the bathroom.  


Softly,i allowed an animated chuckle to leave my lips, shaking my head as the husky tone of my best friends voice claimed the other side of the phone line.

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