chapter 26

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Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Britondii Luca

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

       Lucas Marajh pov
Britondii 's Undoing

All the way to her abode, the feeling I had endeavoured to neglect,to acknowledge continued to aggravate me, allowing different emotions to overwhelm me. It had rendered me nervous.

But why? Could anything be amiss? Perhaps not.

However,the damn nagging would not leave the residence of my mind.

My subconscious commenced to bitch,reprimanding,chiding me whilst she painted her luscious lips with JSC cosmetics red velour liquid lipstick,eyeing me with the utmost distaste,disapproval-- contempt. "Of course something is wrong. If it were not, she would have called a million times already to speak with her child since she dropped her off at yours two days ago. Admit it Lue Boo, that is quite peculiar."

"Dan Da Dan!" I muttered ,releasing a frustrated breath as I reflected onto the voice. Not a smart thing to be distracted and  closing your eyes in exasperation while you drove, I know,but still. It really were peculiar. Briina was my best friend's errythang. After the first half hour had elapsed and she had not telephoned to speak with her daughter ,hissing into my ears a billion and one instructions,should have rung a bell.

It,in fact should have set off countless alarms.

Pulling my lip between my teeth, I escalated the fastness of the car.

I approached Brii's front door and the dreadful feeling -- literally ascended to a strength ten folds. I jogged up to it,desiring to thrust the thing open ,demolishing it after a maximum of fifteen lengthy seconds had passed and I had received not a response from my bitch. She were home, that were transparent if the white Audi parked outside were any indication to go by.

Rapping as hard and un stopping onto the hard wood door as I had, I could have sworn I had snapped a nail but for my bitch I would snap several nails.

"Silly, silly me."I muttered ,soon reprimanding myself,shaking my head. How could I have disremembered that I possessed a key to my best friends crib? Opening the door, I quickly perambulated inside and immediately I were bidded upon entering by the 'too strong scent of 'too much' wine.

I dashed crazily into the corner of the room when the faint sound of a fatigued moan met my ears ,weak and grave,sorrowful and pained.

Deathly and frightening.

"Oh Brii" I could only manage a numb low whisper when I witnessed her condition. Britondii was huddled into a heap  onto the floor, her face a deathlike white and her usually neatly styled hair in wild knots on to her head. The silky white gown she wore was stained in parts by her drink. Howbeit her eyes were opened, they appeared blank, lifeless as though the striking blue pools had been washed out and emptied.

Momentarily, I wondered if she knew I were standing before her, if she could see me.

My gaze washed over the two bottles of wine one completely vacant and the other nearly emptied. A glass in splinters next to her.

Tears filled my eyes as I continued to wirelessly watch the woman in front of me not currently able to do much else.

What could have caused Britondii's undoing? I questioned my self and coming up with zilch.

You know there is only one thing which fan affect Brii in such a way.

I now sprung to action , touching her arm. "Brii"

"Lucas,Oh Lucas." My friend sobbed, tears streaming down her face, her voice cracked and hoarse. "I did it again."

My heart broke by my friend's sadness.

"Brii," I sniffled. "What did you do babes?" Her lips trembledand her nose and eyes leaked, her body quaked as though she was suddenly cold and freezing. I embraced her and kissed her forehead.

I nearly missed her words.

"I have fallen in love once more with Sebastian Monteiro."

"Baby it is going to be okay. " I pacified and hushed her as she broke down into my arms while I plotted somebody's murder. For God knows I was so damn sick and tired of that fucking, fucked up, mother fucking, fucker disturbing my friend's mental peace and it was time he righted his wrongs once and for all.

After I had settled Britondii in bed, I used her phone to call him and before the first ring was completed he answered, his deep voice resonating through the phone line. "Jesus my lo --"

I interjected -- and not so courteous. "Listen to me and listen well Sebastian Monteiro. Ensure you are at Brii's apartment in the next thirty seconds or else I swear to the God of the gays, I will find you and mutilate your 'I don't know what my friend sees in you' ass ,starting with you di--"

The call were cut off before I completed my threat but still I am pleased to inform you that he arrived in twenty five seconds.

Lucas has Britondii's back always.

Did you like hearing from Lucas ?

Do you think Britondii will now give Sebastian a bligh  (chance) now that she has admitted her feelings?

Till next time my loves...
Take care.

Love you 

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