chapter 31

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
Conspiracies BMWs and What Knots

Applying the final touches of the red liquid lipstick to my mouth and then proceeding to check into the mirror my reflection, impressed utterly with the delectable,jaw dropping way in which the red satin gown punctuated my voluptuous figure smirking as my dashing man dressed into his satin lapel slim fit two piece suit behind me appeared. He enclosed his muscular arms around my waist, seeming even more taken with my attire than I had been. I watched, pulling my lower lip, chewing it as his hungry gaze continued to,as a wildcat would it's quarry,prey before he pounced upon it devoured me. I were heavily awakened by my man's lecherousness, his transparent lust.

"Hey sexy." His voice had been a promising, bottomless, low growl against my ear and I released a swift, sharp sigh when he pulled my ear between his teeth. "This dress will get you  taken without mercy tonight, my love." He grounded his hardened front against my behind and I moaned when he licked and sucked, nibbling the tender flesh of my neck."

I know.

"Baby." I released an earnest whisper, imploring him to complete my bidding. God knows I missed his touch. I had not had him in three nights and I was thirsty as fuck. "Throw me on the floor and take me now, please."

My cheeks blazed and became crimson when he uttered a low laugh, bsckhanding achingly, the right cheek of my backside. "As arousing as that sounds my little temptress, the car is waiting outside."


As the second BMW were  exchanged, Brandon vocalized. "My love, despite the fact that I love to stare into them eyes, I will have to put a blindfold over them." He then removed the satin number from his pocket.

Remarked Brandon when the vehicle came to a stop. "We're here."

With the piece which just the same  barricaded my vision my man aided me out of the car.

Bronson whispered into my ear, the pit lenghted tone a quiet, affectionate caress causing the fine hairs onto the back of my neck to ascend  and a shudder to pass through my spinal cord. He then went on to remove the blindfold.

I gasped his name. "Oh Brandon." And my hands mechanically quickly encountered my mouth, concealing it and hot, saline eye liquid brimmed my eyes. "This is beautiful."

He kissed my forehead and glided his fingers beneath my eyes, they travelled downwards, removing all indications of tears that had just descended. "Not half as beautiful as you are my love." He added, taking my hand,leading me to the table. "Come."

I allowed my eyes to roam the romantically decorated balcony, taking in even the most diminutive of details, engrossed in the beauty of it all. And the view. God knows the view after dark, from the balcony of the penthouse had been beauteous, beautiful, breathtaking.

Brandons fingers grazed my hand. He questioned." Baby are your feet tired?"

For reasons unbeknownst to me, my cheeks flared and I had become flustered. "Um, no, not really."

My man emitted a quiet chuckle. "Yea? I thought they would have been for you have been running through my mind all day."

I giggled softly. The waiter who approached the table much to my startle I realized had been John, Lucas' husband.

When the time for dessert had come and I tasted the chocolate cake. It, I realized had a noticeably different, intimate flavour. I swallowed. "Brandon this taste exactly like the dessert my mother made on Sundays. The recipe was secret -- like the Krabby Patty formula!"

He chuckled and I witnessed his smirk underneath the low glow of the candles. "Your Aunt Jane emailed the recipe to Lucas upon my request and he made it. In fact, he is the head chef here  tonight."

A drop of tear slipped from my eye, cascading down my cheek. Oh how I loved this beautiful man. "Brandon, thank you."

"Hush baby." He pacified after he left his chair, kissing my hair. "Dance with me."


Authors Note-- Aunt Jane is Lucas' motherthe best friend of Britondii's.

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Till next time, take care.💕💕💕

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