chapter 30 pt 1

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Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Britondii Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
Conspiracies,BMWs and What Knots

Tentatively,I elevated the weighty curtains of my Windows of sight , allowing them a chance to adapt to the sudden illumination of the room. Brandons side of the bed for yet another time had been left cold and vacant of his strong, muscular frame. God knows this was commencing to very immensely irritate me. It was beginning to really piss me off.

Every damn morning for the last handful of days, I roused in the king sized bed by my self and at nights when we prepared for bed, the man had still not arrived home.

I shook my head in aspiration of repressing the rampage of thoughts which harboured themselves into my mind. The most dominant one being. Use his tongue to strangle him first, let him explain after. I hauled my lower lip between my teeth, nibbling onto the tender flesh as without thought my gaze  travelled to the bedside table. As just as the last three mornings, cozily resting atop the wooden furniture was a velvet jewellery box, royal blue in colour this time. I opened it and freed the bedazzling number from its soft, gorgeous pillowed bed. I raised the pure gold necklace, examining it not even negligibly  awed or impressed by its breathtaking beauty. My eyes locked onto the diamond embedded pendant. All of the jewellery before this were knotted, the earrings, the bracelet, the tongue ring and now this chain. What had been it's significance and What had Brandon endeavoured to communicate?

Quipped my subconscious. "That you should tie a knot around his neck and strangle him for MIA perhaps?"

Replacing the item, I released an exasperated, elongated exhalation. That had not sounded like the worst of ideas.

"Mommy, Mommy." My daughter who seemed peculiarly untroubled by her father's extended absence dashed into the room. Through it all, she remained happy, blissful, electrified. It was as though she knew something I did not. "Good morning mommy."

I lifted her onto the bed. "Good morning my gorgeous Sebriina."

She giggled and handed me the card she carried. I proceed to open it but Sebriinas hyperbolic gasp startled me. "No not yet beautiful. When the time is right."

I giggled at my child's wordings. "Okay baby."

Studying the card's cover, my gaze fastened onto one of my daughter's cutely crude drawings. It looked familiar but I could not quite place it so about it I questioned the five  year old. "Baby what is this picture?"

She giggled. "It's a knot silly. See?"

I placed the card on the night table. What was this conspiracy I knew nothing about?

Later that evening as I prepared my dozing child for her night's retirement, the shrill tone of the iPhone alerted me of an incoming call. A soft smile presented itself onto my face as I studied  the caller image. God knows I loved this man too much."Hey babe."

"Hey sexy please get dressed now your apparels are in my closet." All of that he stated in a single sentence, not even once had he paused.

"Brandon --" I began. Sebriina was in bed.

My man's smooth bottomless voice interjected, chuckling. "Baby stop worrying. Emily is on her  way."

My lips raised into a smirk, disremembering how very irate had been even an hour before. "Oh yea?"

"Yup. Now go get your fine ass dolled up for daddy. I love you."

I giggled, my cheeks becoming crimson. "Okay. I love you too."

Even after Torturing the Billionaire has been completed. T
Britondii and Brandons story will continue in a Book3. Tempering the Billionaire. Despite the fact that I am not certain when it will begin in time it will definitely be here!

Did someone say drama?!

Let me know your thoughts on part one of the final chapter of TTBB2.

I love you so much my dears
Till next time take care.

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