chapter 22

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Guess who's back, back again?

Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Britondii Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

Hell Hath No Fury

As the happenings of the night agone flashed, repeated like a broken, tattered record repeated themselves before the eyes of my mind, my lips curved into a small, reminiscent smile and once more I barred from my lips the decampment of yet another fatigued sough and I dabbed at my tearing eyes clenching my teeth in the course.

Late last night Lucas had appeared upon my door steps weeping bitterly and wailing and for many a hour I had comforted him whilst he broke down, shattering to pieces and uttered ever so oft, sobbing, "Oh Brii-- what do I do now? Will I have to sing Adele's - Don't You Remember everyday for the rest of my life?" And then he would go on to him a few notes.

I shook my head, grinning mentally from complete and total amusement as I recalled our telephone conversation after he had gone home. It so occurred that we had worked our selves up as a corollary of nothing. Then again, my best friend often tended to hyperbole.

I permitted, if only briefly the weightful shelterings of my windows of sight to curtain down, a throbbing migraine sluggishly but certainly advancing, the after effects of a professional single mother's brimful day to day docket and the pitiless, chronic insomnia to which she had fallen causality.

A presence I had anticipated-- somewhat , towering and dominant soon appeared behind me and and the bottomless rumble that were comparable to that of a sea rough at night in the middle of a tropical storm which never ceased to irritate and enthrall me intruded my ear drums, scattering my thoughts, a shivering sensation travelling downward my spinal cord.

"Miss Luca, why do you exhaust yourself so? Hmm?" I remained unspeaking, mute but when stalwart,callous dexterous hands grasped my neck and commenced to stroke it the tenseness without any delay, immediately evanescing; a sharp sigh slipped through my teeth and i bit onto my lip the raspberry flavour of the lipstick filling slightly my mouth, trapping any other sound that threatened to escape.

Despite the fact that out loud I pronounced nothing at all, in my head, out of unmitigated satisfaction and ease I continually whimpered and sighed.

I were yet to say a word to the man, the only acknowledgement to show I were aware of his presence, of what he were doing was a mere cock of my head whenever the time to do so ascended. At the current moment, I possessed neither the puissance nor the dynamism to do much differently -- to argue with him or to pull away from his touch. And in whatever case I would not have done so.

My subconscious snorted, "you evil woman."

The only sound to be heard, other than the bitching of my subconscious were the tick of the office clock, hung onto the wall.

Sebastian's breath soon reencountered the side of my face and then my breathing hitched at the awakening intrusion -- if only just a tad. "Even super woman needs a break At times Britondii" his mouth bedecked my florid cheek with a swift, feather-- like peck then he chuckled. "She needs some much needed beauty rest cause right now she looks as though a bulldozer has run over her.

A low laugh came from my mouth, cotton-like and mellow ,I shook my head, murmuring, "really?"

His response was fast, quick and immediate as though it had been practised. "Oh most certainly Miss Luca. But I pledge, if you come away with me for the rest of the day I promise to ease every morsel of your body's discomfort. Please say yes."

His voice beseeching, imploring, begging for me to agree, my lips formed into a baleful, wicked but nearly unnoticeable smirk. "There is much to be completed Mr. Monteiro."

Featly perched onto the desk before me one strong leg folded across the other, my hands captured into his much larger ones, he brought them to his mouth, pressing his lips to the tender skin of each.

"Miss Luca" he kissed ever so affectionately the insides of both wrists, At any other time such a deed would have irked my entire being but this time were an exception,now, I welcomed it.

"My love even the visually impaired is able to see how very drained you are. Let us forget about work today and let me heal you. Please."

I chuckled at his choice of words, nodding my agreement. "Okay". His smile were an automatic one which could only be described as joyous, thankful and then for a nanosecond -- perhaps an even shorter span of time, I truly felt ashamed. Almost. Nearly. Not Quite.


"Ma'am," Sebastian's dip was low and his voice equal to that of a rich classical tune -- euphonious and pleasing to ear, confident after we had arrived and parked into his underground garage and he had swept open my side of door.

The fictitious English drawl, he had overtime nearly perfected were nothing short of frolicksome, playful and play along did I, answering with an exact coltish and prim, "why thank you my good man" as carefully and with the utmost grace I egressed the vehicle as though it had been a royal chariot.

Now, I were fully into the space I so clearly remembered, even if it were years since I had last set foot into it or even if I had not granted my eyes permission to cruise the area apace at each set of sleek, highend vehicles on either side of the garage encompassing, including a Mercedes Benz, a Bugatti Chiron and a Porsche SUV; also there were two BMW motorcycles -- black and royal blue.

As we walked to the elevator, his hand resting on the lower part of my back, I aspired to block out every thought of familiarity but how were that negligibly even achievable when the happiest and most mournful moments of my life were spent in these same surroundings. How do you bar such memories from resurfacing ?

And God knows I could not help but to consider if I were setting up myself with this thirst for blood, this vendetta and would it come back to slap me in the face?

But even after taking all of that in thought, I stubbornly decided it were a risk I was willing to take. My subconscious added her two cents. "Oh Brii, you are stronger than you ever were. And this fool proof plan you have formulated will go according to plan."

Mentally, I grinned, earnestly concurring. Sebastian Monteiro was the adversary.

He is also the father of your child and the man you love.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. What is Miss Luca planning and will it backfire?

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I love you daalinzzzzz

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