chapter 29

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Photo of Ashley Graham who plays Britondii Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
Banging against golden walls.

My phone vibrated atop the glass table top and when I retrieved it a soft chuckle left my lips , my gaze scanning the lecherous message. I really want to bury my self inside of you now.

I was still playfully angry with Brandon after the 'Catastrophic Contraceptive Case". I was never  truly upset . I knew it had been a mere blunder. God knows, despite the fact that i loved the dark haired, green eyed man so much many a time I got off by simply 'torturing the billionaire'. The other message which ensued was one consisting of an elongated paragraph of the naughtiest of emoticons -- some of which I never knew existed. The man was truly something else. Even more than a year into our relationship he were still as horny as a sexually deprived caveman.

Woman be fair. It has been more than a week since he got any action.

My gaze wandered around the roomful of wealthy, resplendent party goers some decked in masks while the other faces were free of the jewelled ornament. They sipped from their flutes of champagne and participated in conversations. Brandon had been one of the few guests who had touched none of the bubbly drink. He downed water instead.

I soon answered his message. Brandon behave yourself.

Mr. Monteiro's well detailed response was quick as though it had been prewritten. But bae how can I behave when I so greatly desire to encircle the head of my cock onto your wet throbbing clit, mercilessly teasing you as I listen to your moans and pleading whispers  of want before I slip my self into your tight warm 'emoticon of a kitten'.

"Jesus" I pulled my lower lip between my teeth when the soft, lustful sound escaped my mouth, envisioning all that my man had sent.

Another message. Thinking about it as well baby? 'Winky faces'

Brandon placed one of his large hands on top of my knee and despite the fact that it was clothed as the wine red dress I wore went down to my ankles the intimate gesture had the same effectiveness as though his fingers had grazed the bare skin.

At once, his lips encountered my ear and slowly,carefully his tongue glided across it. "Let us slip out of this party that I can take you to my bed and ravish you until you are unable to speak  nothing but my name."

I defied him. It came out as a hoarse and stuttered breath."B..but I am having"

He grasped my thigh and released a low bottomless growl. "I am a wicked man my love. Do not test my faith lest I throw you on this table, silk table cloth and all and fuck your brains out in full view of everybody."

I virtually climaxed at the man's authoritative sound.

Raising to my face the silver mask embedded with fine diamonds, Brandon and I exited the ballroom.

Sebastian all but launched me into the elevator just as soon as it opened. "Miss Luca," he stalked towards me. "Do you want to see me go mad with want?"

I could only gasp when he fisted my dress and ripped it from my body. He said when I shook my head. No. "Then do not wear dresses such as this outside of our bedroom."

I nodded. All of this was so God damn arousing. I loved that I had the power to affect Brandon in so many ways.

He kissed me with such urgency, sucking my tongue and biting my lips. His mouth left mine, descending to my neck, my breasts, travelling to my belly, my thighs...

Brandon said, in a voice so low I believed he were speaking to himself."How do you do this to me baby?" He found my lips once more.

The elevator was filled with the sounds of our sexual excitement and he choked out. "I want you so badly sweetheart."

I forced a breathless whisper. "Then take me."

"Oh my Go--, Jesus." I cried when my man thrusted his hardened length inside of me, banging me against the gold metal walls, bringing me closer and closer to the edges of senselessness. I grabbed on to his shoulders , my ginger nails sinking into the flesh as he took me fast and hard, hard and fast.

He groaned, clutching the jaws of my derriere,slamming me harder against him. The loudness of my moans ascending. "Jesus is not the one fucking you darling. I am."

"Brandon. Brandon. Brandon." I sang when the vermilion of my core began to quiver and quake, my back arching and my toes curling under. The fastness of his thrusts escalated and I pushed my face into the crook of his neck, biting on it tasting his sweat. I dragged my nails across his back and when my mouth found his he bit my lip. "I'm cuming too sweetheart."

Together, we soon became undone , emitting soft whispers of the love and affection that we possessed for each other.

This book is almost at its climax. Chapter 30 and then the epilogue. Thank you all for reading.

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Take care my loves.

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