chapter 18

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At the top is a photo of Ashley Graham who plays Sebastian's love, Miss Luca.

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov
Smile a while

Unconsciously running my tongue across my teeth, I egressed the driver's seat of the sleek, white, Audi motor vehicle and perambulated to the solid dark oak wood door of the voluminous, grey coloured, two story house where my closest friends resided.

Making use of the large metal ring onto the door, I rapped once then two more times when I had received not an answer, the eventual sound as Lucas jogged to the door, annunciating of his impending arrival ,breathless and panting-- monumentally hyperbolized, immensely exaggerated.

"I said I was coming"in a frolicsome,playful complaint, Lucas groaned and wiped a long, graceful forefinger across his forehead, an act to clean the  imaginary perspiration that had formed after the time he had swung open the large door.

Chortling at the man's mirthfulness, antics I hugged him, brushing against each cheek my lips in an affectionate gesture and then whispered in a sly way, into his ear, jabbing at the lobe with my tongue, hassling him. "Perhaps if you were coming rather than cuming there would be no need for me to knock three times. Yes?"

"Brii" he loudly gasped in an attempted scold and gave me a slight shove,eyeing me with disapproval. "How dare you make utterance of such obscenities-- that was profoundly out of order, child. And for your information, you naughty, misbehaving girl I was with my nice. As we speak, even, my gorgeous husband is not at home. You know, whereas I am pregnant and barefooted, running around the house, he is out making money so we can continue to live the lavish lifestyle."

He twirled and I softly chuckled at the ostenation and as we entered the house, his ensuing words cunning and so low, it were nearly a struggle to catch wift of them. "Clearly, you need to get laid sis."

I snickered and bounced Lucas with my hip and he grinned, protruding his tongue. "Now, where in this house are you hiding my child or have you abducted her as you pledged you would?"


"Mama" squealed Sebriina and she sprinted as fast as her small legs would permit her towards me, when my friend and I made  entrance to the expensively , furnished living room, where she sat gleefully laughing to whatever tale it were Isabel, the middle aged housekeeper were telling her.

I crouched down and lifted Sebriina sprinkling kisses all over my child's face. "Hey beautiful, I missed you."

She giddily shrieked when I rubbed my nose onto the side of her neck, tickling her. "Mama!"


"Thank you again Lucas. You truly are a God sent." My lips curved upwards in an appreciative, thankful smile as I prepared my dozing child and myself for our  leave.

Lucas accompanied us to the car and he placed his hand lovingly onto my shoulder, like a father's touch as I settled Sebriina into the car seat.

"You are most welcome Brii. But really you know you don't have to thank me babe. John and I take pleasure in offering to you a helping hand-- in spite of how very seldom you allow us to and Briina is such a doll-- we value every moment spent with her."

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