chapter 12

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Hello loves,

This chapter is not edited there will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Beitondii Luca pov

Even the strongest amongst us, have their own weaknesses.

The striking gleamof the mid morning sun, like an experienced practised thief crept easily through the barely opened glass window. It's splendor caressing my body, interrupting my slumber as if it were a lover's touch.

At a tentative snails pace, I lifted lazily the lids that concealed my vision allowing them time to adjust to the sudden harsh brightness of the room.

I checked, out of habit on my iPhone the time, gasping in surprise when the screen of the rectangular device showed it was nearly 10am. Usually, whether or not it was a weekday I would have been awake before 6.I almost never slept in late.

"Miss"called from behind the closed door, Emily. Her knocks rhythmic, patterned, testing as if to check if I were awake.

I admitted her entrance. "Come in Emily"

Sebriina rushed in before the babysitter excitedly squealing, a fruit in one hand, one of her many play toys in the other. "Mama, wakey! "

Quietly, I laughed at her enthusiasm. My beautiful bubbly, baby.

Lifting her on to the queen sized bed, fondly, I kissed her cheek. "Good morning to you too miss Sebriina"

"Aunt Emy gimi apple" informed the two year old, bringing the fruit as close to my eyes as she possibly could.

I smiled. "Yes she did sweetie . Did you say thank you?."

"Yes mama! "

"Miss"the sound of Emily's voice rarely varied, soft and shy it was. She entered the room balancing in both hands, a tray of breakfast."I made you breakfast and looked after Sebriina. I am sorry for entering this morning your bedroom while you slept but she had awaken and I did not want you to have to get up as I know you are very tired miss"

Again I smiled as the thoughtful girl handed to me, the tray. "Thank you Emily. What would I have done without you? "

The girls face flushed, embarrassed the usual whenever she was complimented. "You are welcome miss Britondii"


On the insides of her padded spacious crib, I settled a sleeping Sebriina and now I tiredly rested on the slightly unmade bed. From my side, I turned on to my back, releasing from exhaustion an ugly, heavy yawn.

There on the night table, untidily resting was the empty packet of Panadol I had swallowed mere minutes before. Next to it was the nearly empty glass of water still the pounding throb in my head continued, not easing even remotely.

The headaches had become more frequent almost on a daily basis. Sometimes even twice per day. The pain killers rarely aided still I was yet to seek medical attention. I just hadn't the time.


The sounds of incessant raps on the front door awoke me from the slight doze and hurriedly I made work of answering it before it too caused my sleeping child to rise.

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