A Normal Life.

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The whistle of the wind woke Eren with a start, the tree above him swayed. Sitting up slowly she looked down at his lap where a girl was fast asleep. She breathes was slow, her hair had fallen out of its braids. Beside him, Mikasa sat by him strapping firewood to her bag. She moved the bag off her lap and stood up to stretch. Mikasa looked at her family below her, Eren wiping his eyes of sleep. The little girl sleeping stirred in Eren's lap, her eyes opening slowly as she took in her surroundings. Mikasa squatted down moving the brown bangs out of her eyes.

" Luna," Mikasa whispered. "It's time to get up."

The little girl sat up looking up at the grey-eyed girl with sleepy eyes. "Mikasa I'm hungry." She small child yawned as she reached for the older girl. Mikasa grabbed her hand and lifted her to her feet.

"Don't worry Luna. I'm sure your mother almost has dinner finished." Mikasa turned to pick up the bag of wood. "If we go now we should be able to help her finish."

Luna nodded turning to her older brother who was starring into the sky, she set her hand on her brother's head and noticed the tears streaming down his face. "Eren," She knelled down so she could look at him. His eyes met hers, she reached forward to wipe the tears off his red cheeks but he beat her to it.

"I don't know." He wiped his tears on his pants and stood up. He held his hand out for Luna to take.

"Come on," Mikasa held Eren's bag out to him. "let's go home."

Eren let go on Luna's hand to put his sack on and Mikasa took his place. Luna smiled up at her big sister, holding her hair out of her face as the wind blew. The three walked home bickering about what their mother had decided to cook for dinner, rumors about their neighbors and other childish things. Luna giggled at Eren puffed out his cheeks, it was something he did when he got frustrated or annoyed. Approaching the wall Garrison Soldiers sat on crates drinking and watching the children approach.

"Jeager!" Hans cheered as the three children entered under the open gate. "Out getting firewood again?" Hans looked over at the two girls as their brother began to bicker with one of his comrades. "How are you, girls?"

Mikasa stepped closer to the blonde soldier, he was less drunk today than he had been last time they had seen him. "We're good. Luna is moving up in school next week." Mikasa looked down at the smaller girl who grinned at her.

"Yeah." Luna put her hands on Hans's knees as she talked to him, her hazel eyes glowing as she shared the news. "Mama said it's because I'm smart like my Daddy."

Hans smirked, ruffling the little girl's hair as he looked at her older brother. "You're defiantly much smarter than that brother of yours."

"Huh?" Luna turned to see Mikasa pulling Eren away from the soldier. "Mama told Eren not to fight anymore."

Hans snickered drawing the little girls' attention back to him. "Little girl your brother just has a lot of fighting spirit," Hans smirked at his friend's daughter. Having grown up with Carla and knowing Grisha he had seen all of her children grow up. It was nerve-wracking to think only 8 years ago all three of these kids had been toddlers. "I think you three should head home it's nearly your dinner time." He stood up walking towards where Eren was still yelling. "Eren calm down, why don't you take your sisters home?" Eren narrowed his eyes at the usually intoxicated man. "You can relay a message to your mother for me."

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