Chapter Twenty-two: Human

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3rd pov

The door creaked open as Luna peeked into the medical ward, ignoring the cries of the pained soldier lying on the overcrowded cots. her green eyes saw a mass of brown hair and Luna slipped through the gap and closed the door.
         "hey Luna."
           "Oh Luna what are you doing here again."
            "hey I thought you just left, you volunteered enough today love."

She smiled weakly in responce to the soldiers that had bloody bandages around they're foreheads, or in an arm sling, but her breath hitched as she walked past the bodies rapped in white sheet. Not moving, not making a sound of pain, silence that made Luna's heart hurt. Walking over to the brown haired women who was standing over one of the boys Luna had helped save, she came to a stop and saluted.

              "Of hey Luna." Hangi said effortisly waving away the salute. "You do realize you praticaly have the same possition as me right?"
             "hardly." Luna said and watched Hangi finish rapping the boy's arm, who was staring at Luna oddly. "How was your side of the expedition?"

Hangi's face fell and she gestured to all of the injured soldiers.
               "it odviously didn't go over well." Hangi said, Luna smiled and put a bruised hand on Hangi's shoulder, who gave her a thankful glance.

                  "So find anything new?" Luna asked and Hangi smiled.

For the next five minutes, Luna help, again, with the injured soldiers while Hangi ranted on and on about what she had found.
                     "that's great Hangi, your making progress." Luna said as she replaced the warm rag on a soldiers head with a cold one, he muttered a thank you and Luna turned to Hangi.
                       "Thank you Luna." Hangi said and she hugged Luna. "You always listen to others and especially me."
                      "i don't mind Hangi." Luna said brefore washing her hands. "have you seen Captain Levi?"
                       "Levi....he...." hangi said and Luna moved her hands around trying to get an answer, earning some laughs from the injured soldiers."i don't know where he is."
                       "What do you mean you don't know where he is? Hangi you know where everyone is." Luna said as she crossed her arms.
Hangi laughed and clapped.

                        "you make me sound like a stalker Luna." hangi said and Luna rolled her eyes. "but i did see him in the liquor safe-"

Luna didn't stop to listen to what Hangi had to say, she waved good bye, apologized and darted out of the hospital wing. her feet fit the ground like thunder and she greeted fellow soldiers, and she navigated hallways and apologized and she dashed past supiors. she arrived at his office and didn't bother to knock, she just swung open the door for it only to be empty, she open the liquor cabnet of his desk, empty. She rushed out off his office and slammed the door causing one of the squad leaders to jump in fear, but she ran past them opening door after door, calling out for the male, wherever her was.
She didn't realize she was in the back of headquarters. She was faced with an old grand looking stair case, with dust and dirt covering the old wood. Luna placed one foot on the stairs and slowly traveled upward till she reached the end of the first set, and as she looked up the third in the very dim light she saw the outlining of a man. A bottle in his hand his head in the other.

                "heichou?" She asked as she slowly walked up the staircase. She pulled her hair out of her regular bun so he had something to look at, that would be vizable in the dark stairwell.
                 "What are you doing here cabet?" he growled, grey eyes glaring at you in the dim light. Luna leaned back a little but kept eyes contact before tilting her head to get a better view.
                    "i was looking for you." She said, she was worried really worried. he only growled at her. "what are you doing here?"
                      "Well you found me so i guess mission accomplished now go away." he said and took a sip of whatever he was drinking.
                   "you never answered my question."

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