Chapter Twenty-three: Town

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Levi pov(sorry if he is a bit ooc)

I woke up, and the first thing I noticed was my head was throbbing, like it was bouncing around in my head. I rolled over and laid face first into my pillow to block my eyes from the light coming into my room from the open curtains. Why the hell do I even have a fucking headache?
A knock came from outside my door, and I simply ignored it, hoping the imbecile would go away.

                    "Levi it is Luna, I'm coming in."

The door open and I internally groaned. I heard shoes hitting the floor, and something sliding, so I turned my head to see what the hell she was doing. She stood on her toes as she started to close the curtains on the windows, which made the room instantly darker.

                 "You have a headache right?" She asked, when I didn't answer she looked at me. God I hated it when see looked at me, not for any bad reason, just I felt so vulnerable under her stare. her jade eyes seemed to see right through me. "I'll take that as a yes."

She turned around and walked to the coffee table by my couch and sat down. She picked up a cup and filled it with, what I assume was tea before putting a spoon full of something in it. She stood back up before setting the tea on my bedside table.

                "I know you only like black tea but this will help. it is plain tea with honey, not your favorite but it will help make the headache fade." She said before walking away back to the couch.
i turned back around so I was lying on my back.

                  "Jaeger." I said in a groggy voice. "How the hell did you know I had a head ache?" I looked at her over the side of the bed to where she sat on the couch, a stack of paperwork in front of her with a pen in her hand.

                   "you were drinking again." She said solemnly. "I thought we agreed you would stop that trend Levi, it is bad for you."

I groaned and ran my hands down my face. Well shit, this sucks.
                    "How much did i drink?" i asked and Luna chuckled.
                    "Half a bottle for cheap wine, you were far from drunk too." she said. "Your headache is from being emotional."
                    "Emotional?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow.
                    "You don't remember?"
i shook my head no.
                  "Well then it is better left unsaid, for your sake." Luna said and signed the paper in front of her. "drink the tea it will help your headache."
                 "I'm your supiour." I say and she looks at me with a small smile.
                  "i'm well aware Levi." She says. "We have the next three days off, I was wondering would you like to go on a walk in town with me later."

i just looked at her.
                  "Why would we go to town?" I asked as i reached for the tea.
                   "Well I was thinking it would be good for the both of us. To get some fresh air and i'm sure it would make you feel better." Luna said. I took a sip of the tea and the warm flavor hit my tongue.

                     "your tea doesn't taste like shit." i said and she nodded and looked down. "Jaeger why are you here?" I asked sitting up straighter so i could see here better.
she looked to the side at the light peeking through the curtains.
                        "I thought that it would be a good idea to make sure you were okay and well..." She stopped and bit her lip. I felt my cheeks burn but I took another sip of the tea to cover it up.

                         "Well spill it." I say and she sighed.
                          "i enjoy your company." She said and scribbled something on the paperwork. "Your nice to be around."
                         "Tch, that's a first." i say and she laughs.
                          "Well you are a bit intimidating Levi." She replied and stood up. "So if you get dressed we'll go, i need to return this paperwork and change myself. I'll be back in half an hour. i suggest you shower and change as well okay."

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