Chapter Twenty-four: Corporal?

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Luna's pov
Levi dragged me to the shop I had pointed to earlier. his hand held mine as we walked down the street, my cheeks burned with embarissment. People looked at us and whispered and some pointed and my cheeks burned more. He pushed the door open to the little shop and I was relevied it was almost empty.

             "What do you want?" He asked me and I looked at the sign with the food opptions.
               "Uh.....chiken tortia soup and black tea." I said and I lokked back at him. "What do you want?"
               "A sandwich and tea." He said. "Find a place to sit, i'll be there in a moment."

I nodded and sliped out of his grip and looked around, there were alot of opptions seeing that it was almost empty but the people who were here crowded towards the middle of the shop. Levi doesn't really like people so.... I smile to myself and walk quickly over to a corner table by the window. This will do, i grab a napkin and wipe the table down so he doesn't flip out then i toss it in the ben.

                "What the hell are you doing?"
I turn to see levi with a tray in hand the usaul frown on his face.
                 "picking out a table." i say and point to the window seat.
                   "Then go sit down idiot." He says and walks to the table me trailing behind. I sit down and place the shopping bags beside me. I grab my food and one of the tea's.

                     "You know your the only girl I know that can actually tollerate that tea." levi says before grabbing his own meal and pushing the tray to the side.
                       "My mom use to make it for my dad when he got home late." i said and cringe slightly as I remember.
                        "What did your Dad do exactly, was he an idiot like you?" Levi asked as he took a bite of his sandwich. I just glared at him.
                  "No you ass, he was a doctor." I replied as took  lid off of my soup. "He was a good man and helped people."
I took a bite of my soup and for a moment of was quiet.

                  "You must of really loved your Father." Levi said "is that why your dumb ass hangs out in the hospital wing."
                  "Your so mean." I say. "And the answer is yes and no." He sets down his tea.
                   "What kind of crappy answer is that!" He says. "Yes and no. That isn't an answer."
                    "Why do you wanna know so badly?" I ask leaning forward, never breaking eyes contact.
                   "Because I'm interested." He says and takes another bite of his sandwhich. I sigh and lean back.

                    "I loved my father very much yes, i was always a Daddy's girl growing up, I wanted to be like him since I was little." I replied and Levi covered his mouth as he spoke.
                   "S' then w'eres th' no?" He asked food still in his mouth. I smiled a little at the cute sight.

                     "I wanted to help people, not just be like him and well he was gone a lot while I was growing up. My mother was home all the time with me and Eren. I'm not saying he was a bad Father he brought Mikasa into our home which totally changed my world but I just wish he had been home more." I said. He just raised a confused eyebrow.

                    "What does that have to do with you not wanting to be like him, dumbass?" he asked.
                      "My dad was an ass sometimes....scary. He left all the time because of his work, something I don't want to do." I replied. "I want to help people but not abandon my family to do it."
For a moment it was silent.

                     "So you felt abandoned?" Levi asked, I looked into his eyes, they were wide and I  could see emotion flickering like a small flame behind them. I nearly nodded.

                     "What about you? Any parent you didn't want to be like?" I asked sand he stiffened and didn't say anything. "Uh...we don't have to if you don't want to though."
He just glared at me. Damn it.
                 "I never knew my father." levi said "My mother passed away when I was younger."

I nodded. I understood that, how it felt to lose the people you loved before your very eyes.
                  "How did she die?" I asked.  He just glared at me again and I relized i was treading on a thin line. "Never mind.....did you like your sandwhich?"
he looks down at his empty plate and nods.
                   "It was fine."
I clap and he jumps a bit.
                  "great, okay lets keep walking then okay." I say and stand up. "Levi, lets get you something you want." I reach over and grab the shopping bags in one hand and his in the other.

                    "hey brat your leaving the trash on the table." He says and I just laugh.
                        "they'll get it now come on there has to be something you want to look at while were out." I imply and look back at him briefly.
                  "Hey Jaeger." he says and stops pulling me to a halt with him. "Would you consider becoming Corporal?"
                 "Huh?" Did I hear him correctly? "A corporal?"
                "Yes you dumbass." he said. "A corporal, with your own squad, and team. Rules and codes."

me a corporal! He has got to be kidding me. that would be amazing...but also scary. Living with all those deaths on my hands would eat me out.


I turn my attention back to my corporal. The Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman of all people. He was asking me to be the same ranking as himself? It would be an honor and a down right dream come true. As much as I liked the man, I knew i wasn't good enough to be a Corporal. On a side note date him for any matter but that was absolutely irrelevant.

               "You have until tonight to give Eyebrows your answer." He says. "but for now forget about it. there is a tea shop down the road. Lets go there."

As he walks i didn't realize his had was still in mine. Heat rushs to my face, if i was a Corporal I could date levi because we were the same  rank. It wouldn't be supior and cabet. It would be as equals. maybe if i was a corporal i could save more lives and help more people, if i was a Corporal I could snoop around in Annie's day to day life with no questions asked. I could fix this, have power and the strenght to help other people. I could become some one.

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