Chapter Seven: A Plan

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3rd pov

Luna pulled her new shirt over her head. It was a regular black long sleeve button up but of was tight. Luna always wore loose clothes all ways. She knew it was part of the reason she was so low in her class because of her baggy clothes but she didn't like it being tight. Luna was very curvy and she hated it. Ever since she turn 13 she had seen how guys hit on Mikasa for her body and Luna didn't want the same thing to happen to her. But even with that she couldn't get the top two buttons of her shirt button because of her large chest.

"fuck this!" She cried out angrily. She was tired out of her mimd she hadn't slept on two full days and despritly wanted to sleep. She was not in a happy mood at all. She grabbed belts and pulled them over her legs and clipped them on her back and chesty. She then proceeded to grab her jacket and pull up her hair. She then open the door to her cell and slowly walked out of the cellar. With each step she loathed what was going to happen when her siblings and friends, who arrived the night before with the rest of the other trainees that were in the squads that lived in the abandoned head quarters, would think.

'I never wear tight clothes. Mika's gonna kill a lot of people.' She thought as her left foot touched the first step on the way to the main floor. As Luna walked up the stairs she couldn't help but wonder if she would be a better soldier in a more durable clothing. She looked at the leather jacket in her hand. The wings of freedom shining like a star in the dark corridor. Luna smirked.

'Can you see me Momma and Daddy? Have I by any chance made you proud by just being here?' Luna thought. She reached the top of the stairs and sighed in relief that the long hall was empty. Luna took a breath and exited the dungeons she had excepted as her home. As she walked she looked at the morning sky the mist was fresh on the grass which gave it a brilliant sparkle. the sky was that pretty grey she loved so Captain's eyes...she shook her heads clearing the thought from her brain.
Luna continued down the long hall and proceed to the Dining Hall. She open one of the large doors and couldn't help but smile at the lack of people here. Most were sleeping in but that didn't mean it was empty it was 2/3 full but not bustling busy like lunch was. Luna slipped in unnoticed by the still slightly sleeping mass of people and she walked into the kitchen stealing an apple from a near by bowl and a cup of black tea that was more than likely suppose to be Corporal Levi's but Luna could always make him another later. She calmly walked into a small lounge area and sat down she was happy it was abandoned at this hour she liked the quit an to be alone. It gave her time to think about every fucking thing on her mind. She blew on the piping hot tea then took a tiny sip. She couldn't help but flinch as the warm substance burt her tongue.

'Damn it.' she thought. 'that burns'
Luna sat there for ten minutes and sighed when she noticed the trainees were leaving breakfast. But she noticed there were a lot more people than before. Luna's head swung to the clock above the fire place. Nope she was wrong she was five minutes late. Luna dropped her tea and grabbed her jacket and ran to the training ground.
If she was late Captain would have her scrubbing floorboards for months. they were to make a good impression on the trainees as the 'badass' squad and luna was not going to imbibers them like this. She realized that they started talking now. She looked to the window to her Right and open it. She looked down. It was maybe seven feet but it was still tall for the girl who was 5 foot 1 or 2. But when Luna looked up right infinite of her was her squad, Eren starting at her with wide eyes. Luna took a deep breath stood on the window seal and jumped. A girl in the crowd screamed and she heard Eren yell something. but she ignored them and spread out her arms and positioned herself to land on the balls of her feet.
'Just like in 3dmg training.' She thought and when she landed on her feet she took off taking her spot by her brother. Her brown hair framing her face green eyes full go relief she made it on time.

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