Chapter Seventeen: Skills

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       "Cabet Jaeger?" Levi asked as his office door open and Luna walked into the office with a tray with paperwork and two cups of tea.
         "Yes sir?" Luna asked as she set the tray on her small desk in the corner of Levi's office. She grabbed don't tea cup and carefully walked over to his desk and sat it beside he finished paperwork.
         "I was making sure it wasn't shitty glasses." Levi said and he wrote his name elegantly at the bottom of a finished form he was filling out. Luna took the tall stack of finished paperwork and placed it in a box to put in the filing room. Then she sat at her desk and sorted through his new paperwork. She read the pages carefully them separated the pages based on importance and simple ones. It was a job and it had given her a raise in her pay too. Not as much if she was a squad leader or anything but it was one step in the right direction.
           "Oi Jaeger." Levi called Luna didn't turn around but she did answer.
           "Yes captain."
Levi stopped writing and looked at Luna though she was writing on the papers that Levi did t have time to look at her hand swiftly ran across the page. Levi stood up and walked over to her desk he stood behind her as she wrote. She turned around for a minute but her eyes caught his and she turned back away and continued to sign papers.
             "When did you learn to read or write?" He asked and he lifted one of the pages and was shocked at her writing.
      In curly cursive letters it said Corporal Levi Ackerman.
It was just as good as his not as good but noons but him would ever know that.
              "Ms. Hangi taught me so did Mr. Mike." She said "I can read too."
Levi placed the page back on her desk.
                "Obviously." He said and looked at the clock on his wall. "Jaeger what time do you have to be at training?"
Luna sweat drops.
              "Uh.....7 o'clock." She said and stopped writing. "Why sir?"
              "Nothing idiot." He said and sat back down at his desk.

Time skip to training.

Luna stood with Armin once again teaching him the basics of defence and battle. Levi watched and shook his head. He had told her to train with him.
         "Cabet Luna Jaeger." He said as he walked towards her.
There was a loud 'crap' and she turned around.
         "Yes sir?" She asked a bit of fear in her voice.
        "Your suppose to be training with me." He said in a irritated voice. Luna sweat dropped and gave a sly smile.

        "oh....well what about Armin?" She said "My friend needs a partner to so who will he spar with if he doesn't spar with me?" Luna asked. Levi sighed and looked around for the nearest partner.

         "Oi you red head." Levi called to the red head who was sparring off to the left of them. The tall man turned to look at his superior. 
           "Yes sir?" He asked while in salute. Levi stood in front of him, though he was a good six inches shorter but everyone knew Levi could whip his ass then and there.
           "Your going to train with Alert now." He said. "Jaeger come with me."
           "What but captain" but Levi grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her away.
           "He wants me too fight this pipsqueak?" He guy said. " I'm fifth in hand to hand combat, what the hell are you?"
             "Uh....twenty seventh." Armin said and the guy laughed so did his friends behind him. Eren saw the guy laughing at Armin and he turned to Jean who was his sparring partner.
              "Hey Jean should we help Armin?" He asked. Jean looked back and watched. The taller guy got into fighting position and so did Armin. The guy charged at Armin but Armin blocked and moved out of the way. The guy ran towards Armin again but Armin was using the dodging methods Luna had showed him.     
                "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" The guy asked he was upset he couldn't get a proper shot on Armin. 
                 "No I'm-"
                  "Then fight me!"

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