Chapter Eight: A Bestfriend

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Luna's pov

I sat at the lunch table alone. Mikes and Eren were talking in the lunch line and Armin had his head shoved up a book. A girl with really long black hair caught my attention. She walked out the large door and for some reason I felt like I needed to talk to her. I shot up from my seat and took my tray and ran after her. Her footsteps barely echoed down the busy hallway.

"Wait!" I yelled and ran up to her. She turned to look at me and I smiled. "Hi."

She blinked at me with her blue eyes.

"What do you want?" She said her voice was strong and yet sweet. I gave her a closed eye smile and said.
"Your hairs really pretty ma'am." I said and open my eyes. She just starred at me and for a moment I thought she would yell at me.

Rose's pov (AKA the new girl)

I looked at the littler girl beside me. She had gorgeous green eyes and looked like an angel. i was surprised she hadn't run off scared like all the other trainees did when they tried to talk to me. Instead she actually smiled at me.
All my life people would run away scared to even look at me. Yet here was this girl probably 15 looking at me like none of that mattered.

"Is that all you came to tell me?" I asked in a cold tone.

She flinched but rebounded almost imidently.

"Yeah and well I was wondering if i could sit with you?" She said.

That really caught me by surprise. I looked her over again. She was really pretty, not like that but in general, she was very well fit. Her leather jacket was rolled up to her elbows and her hair was half down half up in a bun. For a second I rethought her age. She can't be 15 and look and act like a grown women. But there was something about her that still seemed childish. Im gonna say she's 20 give or take a year or two.

"Why?" I asked.

All my life no one even when i was little did anyone talk to me. My parents weren't there to tell me how to deal with it so I guess I didn't try but there was an open opportunity to make a friend right here but what if I scarred her off if she finds out my secret.

"i don't know I just thought you'd be a good person to talk to. I can go if you want it's no biggy." She said and she turned to walk away but I grabbed her forearm. it was odd, i could feel her muscles through the thick material of her jacket.
" Wait. Do you want to wat on the roof?"

3rd person

In that lunch our. Rose and Luna had talked like they'd know each other for years. When the two walked outside for the running part. People starred.
They couldn't help it. Luna Jaeger was a sweet kind kid and Rose Midnight was a cold hearted bitch. But so way some how the two fit like puzzle pieces.

In Erwin's office the squad leaders were coming up with a plan. That night at midnight a small group of selected survey corp would barge in to the headquarters acting like the enemy and 'kidnap' Eren. Everyone was excited to we how Luna would react.
Eld, Gunther, Oulo, Mike, Hangi, Eren and some other members knew about the plan. The only reason Eren knew was so he didn't turn into a titian.

As night fell the plan came together like pieces of a puzzle. Squad leaders locked cabets in there rooms. Mikasa was one of those people. They wanted to see what Luna could do not what her older sister would do if Eren was put in danger much less Luna jump head first into it. Mikasa would more than likely kill.
Rose was in the basement with Luna. Rose had snuck out of her room before the leaders locked it and no one realized it. Eren was wide awake waiting for the plan to take charge. At midnight Eren got out of bed and ruffled his hair making it look like he had slept and took the key that Levi had left him and unlocked the door. As he exited his cell he was surprised his sister didn't wake up from the noise, he looked in to see she had the sheet over her head. It rose softly ever so often giving him the thought she was a sleep but really Rose and Luna were hiding under the covers face to face pretending to be Luna trying to contain they're anxiety and giggles. Eren walked up the stairs and checked all the doors that needed to be checked then walked into the kitchen where he grabbed a cup filled it with water and waited for the plan to start.

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