Chapter Thirteen: Pain and Bottles

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Luna's pov

I woke up to a throbbing pain in my side. It felt like Annie had punched me once or twice. I open my eyes slowly blinking a bit before fully opening them. I looked across the room and took of all in. I was is in a hospital bed....why the hell was I in a hospital bed exactly? I moved my arm to move my thick hair from my face and as I did I saw a large bandage around my forearm I moved my head to see my other arm only to find an identical bandage except this time my hand was raped up too. I slowly sat myself up and pain shot through my side. I looked down at the hospital gown I was wearing, ugh gross. I touched my side and sure enough there was a bandage. Shit. Well I'm dead. Eren will lecture me, Armin will continuously hug me, Mikasa will hit me atop of my head, Jean will annoy the crap out of me about it, Rose will stalk me, Hangi will baby me, Ewrin will give that stern look and Captain Levi sure as hell is gonna kick my ass. Well I'm screwed.

3rd pov

Mikasa places her tray down by Rose and sat down. Rose looked at the younger girl before pocking her food. Mikasa took a bite of her bread and tried to listen to what the Jean and Eren were arguing about. Armin was in the shower. Hangi sat on the other side of Mikasa where Luna normally sat. Luna. Luna had been unconscious for two weeks. Rumor had it she saved Captain Levi's life by pushing him out of the way of a full metal hospital buggy that was going down the hall. So when Mikasa and the others sprinted to the hospital wing Captain Levi was already sitting in a the waiting room holding a rag to the back of his head. The gravity of the situation really held everyone down to earth. Hangi explained everything. That Luna was to busy in the hospital helping others and training she didn't bother thinking of her self. When they put her in the hospital room. She just slept. They waited for three days for here to wake up but she didn't and now two whole stupid weeks have passed. They did everything we could Eren gave up blood for her. To make up for what she had lost. But still titian blood or not she wasn't waking up anytime soon. 


Mikasa looked around for the person who had called her name only to find bright blue eyes looking into hers.

                "Yes?" She asked Rose.
               "Are you okay?" She asked. Mikasa was shocked.

Rose had never been kind to anyone except Luna, ever.

                  "Yes I am just worried for Luna I guess." Mikasa said. The table instantly got silent. "What if she doesn't wake up?"

Eren groaned and pushed his food away.

                   "I don't know. How the hell didn't we notice though she had to be in so much pain." Eren said.
                     "She was." Hangi said. "Luna is a stronger kid than we thought. She patched her self up good. If she had taken out easy she would of healed upon just fine. Perfect if we didn't have the resources to have it checked out."
                     "But we have a hospital wing." Rose said.
                      "Exactly which is why I don't get why she didn't call for help." Hangi said.
                         "Because she's a attention seeking brat." Levi said.

He even though he had admitted he liked Luna he denied his feelings he maybe sure to be extra rude to her so no one would notice. 

                          "Levi you know that's not true." Hangi said looking at the younger male. "Luna would never do that for the sake of attention."
                       "Your too good Hangi. Wake up, the only reason she's even in my squad is because she is blood related to Eren.  She doesn't belong here and sure as hell won't survive out there again." With that Levi turned and proceeded into his office.

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