Chapter Nineteen: Friends? Friends.

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3rd pov

Levi sat in his office those three days couldn't of gone by any quicker. As much as he hated to admit it he had fun a lot of fun, all thanks to Luna. She had dragged him around, made him try food and watch Erwin and Hangi dance.
It had been fun, but now it was back to work, there was an Expodition in a few months and he had to make sure his squad was prepared this time. 
Levi's office door open and Luna walked in papers in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.
                "Morning Captain." She said happily. She set Levi's tea in front of him before walking and setting the other papers on her desk before taking a seat.
                  "Morning Cabet." Levi said in a monotoned voice. "Do you have the plan for the day?"
he looked over to Luna who was searching through the papers she had just placed on her desk before finding it and leaning back in her chair and handed it to him.
                  "Hangi plans to experiment on my brother at three so I'm guessing that everything is surrounded around that." Luna said as she read over a document and signed it quickly before putting in in the tall finished pile. Levi looked at her.
                  "Cabet?" Levi asks and Luna looks at him.
                  "Yes sir." She asks.
                 "Pull your chair up to my desk will you?" Levi asked as me took another sip of his tea. Luna's ears turned red and she stood grabbed her chair and placed it in front of his desk. Levi leaned forward.
                "I realized i don't know that much about you or your brother." levi said and he lifted two files from a drwaer in his desk and held them up. "And your files need to be filled out."
               "Oh." luna said quietly. "What do you want to know?"
Levi open the folder on top and open it, a sketch of Eren smiled at him. levi picked up his pen and looked at Luna.
              "Do you think you could answer his questions?" He asked.
              "yes sir." Levi let out a low sigh.
              "Mother and fathers name?" he asked and Luna gulped.
              "Carla and Grisha Jaeger." Luna answered. Levi quickly wrote it down.
             "Why is that relivent sir?" Luna asked polietly. he looked up at her.
              "In case you die and so we can tell them." Levi replied bluntly.
               "They're dead sir." She said and he nearly dropped his pen but hadn't she talked about her parents through the whole festival, if they were dead wouldn't she not want to talk about her dead parents?
                 "Any other family?" Levi asked as he wrote 'Dead' in curly letters by that information. Luna nodded,
                 "Yes sir my grandparents." Luna said. "Mary and Damion Galth and Hannah Jaeger."
Levi wrote that down too.
                  "Anything else sir?" Luna asked and Levi skimmed the page, everything else was filled out except the cause of death spot, because he wasn't dead.
                     "No." Levi said.
Luna stood up and moved her chair back to her desk.
                    "Captain if i may ask why was that relivent?" Luna asked. Levi finished filling out hers with the same information, before looking back at her.
                      "it's protocal to fill out all unfinished forms and I so happened to remember." Levi said.
                      "Oh..." Luna said again she walked back over to his desk as Levi took a sip of his tea. "I just realized something too, I've been in your squad for almost 2 years now and I still know nothing about you."
Levi nearly choked on his tea and Luna jumped in suprise when he started to cough.
                       "Why the hell do you need to know anything about me?" Levi asked.
Luna shrugged a bit and her ears turned pink again.
                      "i'm curious thats all, I've never had a friend I know nothing about before, i don't particullary like it. but you don't have to agree if you don't want too i am a cabet after all and-"
But Levi cut her off.
                     "What do you want to know?" he asked and she gave a small victory smile and moved back to her desk and as she sat down she asked.
                      "What is your favorite color?"
Levi scoffed and picked up a page from his stack o paperwork.
                      "Green, You?" Levi said and Luna laughed a little.
                      "I thought I was asking the questions here." Luna said and Levi glared at her.
                      "Just answer the damn question." Levi growled and Luna snickered.
                     "Gray." She aswered. "Do you have a favorite food?
Levi stopped for a moment before answering.
                      "Potato soup."
                     "I like ramen." Luna said and Levi looked at her.
                      "You simplton." Levi said before signing the document in his hand. He set it in one of his many organized piles and looked at Luna who had her back to him doing her work. "Why do you wear your hair in a bun?"
Luna turned to him with a sad smile.
                       "My mother use to do it this way when I was little before she died." Luna said. "Why do you have your hair cut like that?"
                         "Easy to maintain." Levi said borredly. "Why did you even join the scouts Jaeger we all know your dum brothers reason to wipe titian scum from the face of the world but you, I've never once heard you give a crappy reason for being here."
Luna turned back around and continued with her work.
                           "My reasons are a bit more diverse than Eren's he has his mind set on one thing and one thing only." Luna said. "I'm not, i joined origanally to keep an eye on my brother even though it was very much the opposite and I didn't want to be abandoned even though Armin offered to stay back with me, live a some what normal life I still joined instead."
                             "So why didn't you stay behind your life would of be a hell lot easier." Levi said.
                             "I disagree actually, you see growing up I always watched the Survey Corps. I loved them as much as Eren and I always looked up to them, when I was little  maybe 8 or 9 I watched them come home after a ruff loss, everyone was so mad at them so they took a back road to make the comute easier." Luna said. Levi leaned forward feeling like he'd heard this before. "Me, Eren and Mikasa were walking home us on one street the Survey Corps on the other. They all looked so sad and down so Eren grabbed on of my hands while Mikasa grabbed the other and they started to drag me away, when I saw flowers in the ground. Angelopes, my momma's favorite flowers, and i remeber pulling the plant out of the groung rooots in all to go plant it in my mothers garden and one fell off. So i picked it up and gave it to the nearest soldier. I saw them as people who fought for our freedom when the wall broke, and i wanted to make a difference in the world. So after i joined I tried my best to become a strong as possible to help others that needed it more than I did."

Levi just looked at her back as she continued to work.
             "Your so stupid." Levi said as he picked up another sheet. This time Luna turned to him.
              "How?" She asked and he just looked at her.
              "Your reason is just as stupid and you dumbass brothers." Levi said "But you've got a lot more heart than he does."
               "Was that suppose to be a compliment?" She asked with a smirk and Levi smirked back.
                "You wish."
                "Your histerical sir." Luna said before turning back to her work.
                "Levi." He said and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest. "My name is Levi."
She turned and gave him a 'well no duh look' but she was to scared of him to say it.
                 "I know that sir."
                 "I know you know that you brat." Levi said "I mean call me Levi when were alone, if were friends you might as well, but only if were alone."

                    "Okay I'm happy with that." Luna gave a small grin. "Good to know you actually see me as a friend I was beginning to think it was a one sided thing."

Luna turned back to her work a deep blush covering her face.
                     "Oh and I swear to god if you act like Shitty-Glasses I'll bash you into the ground." Levi said and Luna laughed.
                     "I don't think you have to worry about me acting like Hangi Levi."

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