Chapter Sixteen: Dreams

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The walk to the hospital wing had been uneventful, well for Levi at least. He got his bandages of and walked out of the wing like a normal person. While Luna not so much, they had removed the bandages from her arms and hand, of course scars were left behind on her delicate skin but thin ones, but they had given her two shots for her side which was overall almost healed. She was tired and had walked to her cell for some alone time, took of her straps and sat on her bed but the moment she hit the mattress she fast asleep, from the lack of it she got everyday her insomnia had been aging up and her dieing mother kept playing on repeat in her head. But luckily, no dreams came till dinner time when Eren woke her up.

"Luna." Eren said and he moved the bangs from his baby sisters face, knowing the small gesture would wake her up, her bright green eyes open and she turned and looked at the older Jaeger.
"Hey Eren." Luna said she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"
Eren again moved her messy hair from her sleepy face.
"Time for dinner sleepy head." Eren said and stood up. "I'll leave you to get ready I'll get you a plates of food okay?"
The 15 year old merely nodded. Eren stood up and walked out of the cells open door. Luna sat up and stretched, except her side didn't hurt. Luna touched her side and didn't flinch. Luna who was still exhausted, got out of her low bed and stood up and slipped on her boots. She taken off her belts earlier and she didn't pul them back on, she was just in her regular white jeans and boots, she walked over to her dresser tough and grabbed a loose black button up and replaced the wrinkled green shirt she had been wearing. She slipped it on and let her hair down she looked in the old cracks mirror on her wall and she just stared at her reflection.
Tears welled up in her eyes, she wasn't the women she should be. What would her mother say? What would her gather say? Surely they would be proud right?
"Damn it." She sighed and rubbed her tired eyes and pulled her hair up into a bun at the nape of head ands walked out of her cell and up the cellar stairs and down the empty hall. She walked in silence before she enters the busy mess hall.

Roses POV
I was in a deep conversation with Squad Leader Hangi when Luna walked in. Me and her looked at her from the superiors table. Commander Erwin and Captain Levi came ans sat in front off me and Hangi.
"Good after noon Cabet Rose." Commander Erwin said.
"To you too Commander." I said politely. He sits in front of Hangi while Captain Shortie sits in front of me. He looks at me and my eyes met his and I waved, he made a tch sound and I rolled my eyes. I looked over his short self back at Luna, she looked exhausted.
"Excuse me Squad Leader Hangi." I said, I stood up pushed my chair is a d walked to my short best friend. My long black hair swayed behind me as I walked to the table my other friends we're at.
"Hey Luna." I said when I sat in my normal seat across from her. She gave me a smile and replied.
"Hey Rose I was wondering if maybe later you could sneak to my cell so we could talk?" Luna asked. Eren walked over and set a full tray in front of his sister.
"Talk about what?" Eren asked looking at his sister in curiosity. Luna agave him a go to hell look.
"Ease dropper much." She said and pushed her plate towards my empty space. "And life."
"Hey Luna."
I looked up and lone in behold my crush himself. I had never been one for relationships before but he was just so cute!!!! Plus I was taller than him so it was more adorable. He walked around the table and sat by me!!!! I kept a straight face but secretly I was fan girling inside.
I looked at Luna who was leaning on her hand. She looked exasuted but she still smirked at me a wiggled her eyebrows. I glared at her but she only chuckled then yawned. She sounded like a cat. Mikasa sat beside the sleepy teen and Luna moved her elbow. Jean sat down beside me and Hangi came skipping over and sat beside Armin. I glared at her but nothing more.
"Hey guys." She said in an overly happy voice I still hadn't gotten use to yet.
"Hi Hangi." Eren said then he yawned.
"Tired Eren?" Mikasa asked Eren turned to her and shook his head.
"Did you know yawns are contagious." Hangi said and I prepared my self for a lecture.

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