Chapter Nine: Family and A Short Game of Pocky

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3rd POV

Three days after the kidnapping indecent. Most of Squad Levi and the other captains squads were just getting out of the medical ward. Luna herself had not been to the medical ward to get checked out. She was helping with people who were badly injured and she wouldn't stop saying how sorry she was. It got on Levi's nerve. She took blame for everything she even scrubbed the Dining Hall till it glittered. She had stayed up late and was always in the medical ward.
But Luna didn't mind. She loved working in the ward, she learned so much and was doing what she loved. She originally wanted to be a doctor like her Father so this was living the dream. She knew how to do basic stuff like paper work to stitches and how to cover a wound. But she learned how to check it put and clean it. How to make sure its healing right. None of the nurses had a problem with Luna no one but squad Levi was a bit on edge about Luna , everyone else thought Rose beat them up.
If people were scarred of Rose before the incident they sure as hell were scared of her now.

Rose sat by Luna an the floor of the lounge room. Armin was right behind Rose, so her face was all shades of red. Eren sat next to Armin and Mikasa laid next to Luna her head in Luna's lap. Jean sat in one of the arm chairs and Hangi was playing with cards at the coffee table. Conversation was easy going. Laughter was constant and joy filled the room of happy teens, and Hangi. Mikasa let Luna play with her short black hair. If anyone else touched Mikasa's hair then she would of pushed them off, but Luna was different, she was a large part in Mikasa's life.

To Mikasa Luna was a baby sister and someone she loved and had watched grow up. Mikasa smirked as she thought of Luna when she first saw her.


Mikasa's mother held her hand as they walked through the busy streets of Wall Maria. Mikasa was five at the time and she and Eren had been friends for a little bit now. As they approached e Jaeger's home there was Eren playing in the front yard with a small blonde. Mikasa smiled when she saw her playmates.

"Mommy look!" Mikasa squealed. And her mother laughed at her daughters glee. Mikasa hugged Eren when they were at the doorstep. "Eren look." Mikasa held up a teddy bear. It was brown with a small white bow around its neck.
"Its a bear." The blonde said. Mikasa turned to him.
"Armin say hi to Mikasa." Eren said and the small boy gave a shy wave one that Mikasa returned.
"Hi Armin." Mikasa said.

I don't know Mikasa's moms name so its Lucy

"Oh Lucy!" Carla, Erens mom, said when she saw her friend. The two wemon embraced.
"So is the baby healthy?" Lucy asked. Carla smiled.
"Yep she turned three last month." Carla said. Lucy grinned.
"That's wonderful. It was like yesterday we were both still pregnant with those two rascals over there." Lucy said.

Both women looked at the three older children looking at them and they laughed.

"Come in. Children come on." The ree little kids came bailing into the small house and Lucy stepped in after them.

It wasn't long after that that a baby started to cry upstairs. Carla excused herself from the table and walked up stairs.

"Mommy why is there a baby crying?" Mikasa asked her mother but Eren answered first.
"I have a baby sister Mikasa. She doesn't cry a lot. It just means she really hungry or is sleepy." Eren said.

Lucy smiled at Eren's bad I long excitement for his little sister.
Lucy remembered how excited Carla was when she found out they were having a second child. It was a hard pregnancy because the baby was born on the stroke of midnight on a cold Autumns day on a full moon. It was really rare to be born at the stroke of midnight witching hour where weird things always happen. A cold Autumns night it was extremely rare a new born baby would survive the night. The full moon was rare to see or be born on, angels were said to only be born on full moons and were saviors and loved people with innocent beauty. Luna weighted four pounds when she was born and barely cried.
Lucy had come over to help right after Luna was born it had been a while since she had seen the little girl.
Carla walked down the stairs Luna in her arms who was rubbing her eyes with her small fist.

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