Chapter Fourteen: Im Back

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Luna walked down the corridor a little groggy. She had only slept a couple hours because she had cleaned Corporal Levi's office but it was worth it. He must be very pleased. She held her brown leather jacket in her arms instead of putting it on with her bandages, hospital papers in her hand and her hair was in a high ponytail verses its normal half up in a bun and half down because it was to hard to do with her bandaged hand. She had her sleeves rolled up to her elbows so her bandaged armed had more room to move. She approached the dining with caution knowing what lied ahead would ether kill her or scar her for a long while
             "Have mercy on me Marco." She whispered. (You know because he's freckled jesus.)

Then she pushed open the doors. Luna walked in with a sense of a mission. Survive the lectures and torment of the day. But to other people she looked different.

Hangi stood near Erwin, Levi and Mike who were seated  along with some of the other leaders.

             "Come on Erwin please. Let Levi's squad help out with my experiments!" Hangi begged her empty cup of tea in her hand and  her glasses giving them a creepy glint.
               "For the last time my squad isn't going to help you out under my order." Levi said as he took a sip of the tea Luna had left in his office earlier that morning.
                "Hangi no one other than your  own squad is ordered to help you with your own experiments." Erwin said and took a bite of his eggs.
              "Hey why-" she stopped and looked at Levi "you didn't insult me."  Levi looked at her.
               "What?" Levi asked. "Are you asking me too? I can easily exceed your idea of an insult."
Hangi smiled and shook her head full of unbrushed hair.
                "No i mean you really haven't said anything rude to me all day." Hangi game closer to Levi. "Why is that? Did something happen last night that-"
                  "Um excuse me." A voice cut Hangi off.

Every leader at the table turned to the voice and stared. In front of them was a young lady who looked 16 to 18 years old. She had a very relaxed but deadly aura, her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail that had curls forming at the bottom. Her bangs covered her left eye and most of her fragile but beautiful face. Nearly everyone was staring at the female. A few people dropped there silverware and hangi dropped her cup. The girl was swift and quick. She grabbed the cup by its handle a few drops of remaining tea spilling onto the floor. The women stood straight and placed the cup on the table by Erwin.

               "I'm not interrupting am I?" She asked.

She took Hangi's napkin and began wiped up Hangi's mess.

                 "No dear, oh that's my fault I'll do that." Hangi said but the short girl straighted again.
                  "Its okay. I just came to turn in my papers from the hospital as proof of my release." She said and held her papers out to Levi. "Sort for the inconveniences captain." The girl set her papers down bowed and walked away. Muttering something.
                  "Captain?" Erwin asked.
                   "Who the hell was that? She was so formal!" Hangi said. "And not to mention for pretty. Levi are you dating her?"
                     "I've never seen her before." Mike says. "She smells like bleach right now."
                      "Hey levi-wow."

Levi was sitting down with a very pissed expression.

                       "Release meant papers my ass. She better get her little shitty self back in that hospital wing before I put her back myself." He said and stood and walked out of the dining hall.

Hangi watched her short teammate walk away. Before slipping into his seat and picking up the papers.

                         "Now to find our mystery girl." Hangi squealed.
                        "Hangi we shouldn't." Mike said. "Levi would kill us."
                        "Your right. I know! Erwin!" Hangi leaned over the table.
                        "No Hangi that is Levi's." Erwin said. "Besides look she's just standing there. No need to worry."

They turned to look and sure enough she was looking around the mess hall.

                      "I swear I know her." Hangi said.

Hangi began to open the folder but a hand slapped it down. Hangi screamed and fell.

                    "Tch. Idiot." Levi said before grabbing the folder and once again walking away.

Luna looked around for a moment looking for her friends when a very familiar scream sounded off. Hangi was looking at Levi in terror on the ground her head following him as he again walked away.
            "Okay. Well end.." Luna muttered.

She remembered clearly she had to be better to stay in the elite squad and she promised her parents she would. Luna did her best at tying her ponytail on a bun even with her injured hand for good luck. Like her mother did when she was still alive. Luna proceeded to look for her brother and when a familiar horse was spotted yelling obscenities to a brown haired guy it was pretty obvious. Luna ran, well speed walked, to the table getting drooling looks from guys and jealous looks from girls. Luna easily snuck behind her brother and covered his eyes.

           "Guess who!" She said in a mocking voice.

Eren removed her hands and whipped around.

            "Luna!" He said and jumped up causing Mikasa to get up and she step over the table jumping over Rose and hugged Luna before Eren even touched her.
             "YOU LITTLE TINY NO GOOD ASSHOLE. I'M PISSED AT YOU." mikasa said in a demanding tone she pulled from the hug and hit Luna atop of her head.
              "Shit." Luna hissed and held her head. "I saw that coming."
               "Luna you-" Eren started but the girl looked at him.
                "Shut the fuck up titian boy. Don't you dare try to lecture me. I already have people up my ass about what happen." Luna said putting her hands on her hips. 
               "Holy shit. What crawled up your skirt." Jean said. Luna sighed and ran a hand over her face.    
               "Our captain won't stop pissing me off." Luna said. Armin stood up and walked over to Luna who looked him.
               "If you hug me Rose, Armin will be jealous." Luna said. Armin stopped and Rose turned red.
                 "Lier." Rose yelled and Luna smirk and she walked up and hugged Armin.
                    "Awwwwww." People around them said.

Rose glared at the younger girl. Armin smiled and hugged Luna back.

                      "Hey, hey that's enough hugging." Eren said and Armin shock his head. 
                       "No Luna's mine."

People laughed. But little did people know a short man was watching through the cracks in the door.

Word count: 1130

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