Chapter Twenty-Seven: Capture in Stonehess

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3rd pov

Months after Luna became a Corporal. Everything moved differently, her name was one everyone knew. She was Humanities Strongest Female. She survived 2 expiditions in that time and became a role model for many.

It was night time in HQ everyone was asleep expect Levi and Eren who sat in the mess hall waiting.

            "Whats the hold up?" Levi asked "Erwin's never late. They should be here by now. maybe he had to take a shit. Uh who knows when duty calls right."
              "Your in a talkative mood today sir." Eren said from the other side of the table.

             "So what if i am. Doesn't mean i was talking to you." Levi said as he took a sip of his tea. but he had moved his ankle in the proccess. he set his tea cup down and grabbed his ankle.

            "It's my fault sir." Eren said "I made the choice if i had thought this trough none of this..we wouldn't..."
             "You made a judgement call. look no one expects you to be clare voient." Levi said. "And don't tell your sister my ankle still feels like shit its only perodically."
             "Yes sir."

The door open and Erwin walked in.

           "Sorry to keep you waiting." Erwin said.
Eren stood.
           "Sir." Eren said. "What the...."

He looked around to see his entire squad and his sister enter the mess hall

          "We believe we've found the female titans true identity." Luna said uncrossing her arms.
          "Yes and she won't be getting away this time." Erwin said.
He spread out a map on the table. "the day after tomorrow thats when we'll strike. it'll be our first and only chance to do so. once we set foot in the interior the government will assume custody of eren and the scouts authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus unless we wish to fall to defeat we must flush out the enemy now."ca

Eren nodded.

           "So here is what we do. While in Stonehess we use eren as bait luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better. get her well beneath street level. with that done she should be easily immobilized even if she does transform into a titan." Erwin explains. "If the transforms before entering the tunnel then at that point she'll be your responsibility eren."

           "Right." eren answered. "So we know she'll be in Stonehess? There is no chance she'll bolt before we get there?'
         "No she wont risk going A-wall." Erwin answered.
         "Wait so she's-" Eren started.

        "Armin and Luna identified her." Erwin said. eren looked to his bestfriend and sister confused. "She's an MP. Likely responsible for the deaths of Hangi's test subjects and a fellow trainee in the 104th cadet core."
          "You can't be serious I trained with her." Eren exclaimed.
          "I'm sorry but yes. She is one of us." Erwin said.
          "No it can't be..." eren said.
        "its Annie Eren." Luna said from her spot on the wall.
           "You think its Annie?" Eren asked. "Where is your evidence?"
            "Odviously the female titan knew what you looked like before she attacked." Luna said.
              "plus she reacted to the use of you 'Suicidal manic' nickname, something only our class mates would know." Armin stated "But the biggest reason I suspected her. was because she killed Seany and bean."
             "Your kinda going out on a limb there." Eren said.
            "Too kill two titans at once takes persision." Luna says "To get an exact strike it would make since that they used a 3 DMG gear they were most familiar with."
           "But there was that whole equipment inspection." Eren countered. "Annies totally checked out."
           "Well the gear she presented wasn't hers." Luna said.
            "It was marco's." Armin said.
            "I don't understand." Eren asked. "What does marco have to do with all this."
           "Thats what I thought." Luna said "but i've thought about it. When marco died only is head and torso were missing. There was no evidence of teeth or bite marks when i examined drawings of the body. based off jeans report there was black marking around him."
               "So." Eren demanded.
               "So, when you turn into a titan you heat up because the muscle tissue in your body is growing and based off my and Hangi's conclusion he didn't die by getting eaten." Luna said.
                 "Annie burnt through his muscle tisse and deterated it." jean finished clenching his fist.

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