Chapter Twenty-five: Superior or Not

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Luna and Levi rode back from town in peace. Both very happy with the way things had turned put for the day. As they approached head quarters, Luna moved a little to look at Levi.

             "Hey Captain?" Luna asked quietly. "Is being a Corporal hard?"

Levi scoffed and looked back at her for a moment to see if she was serious before turning back around.

          "No shit and what the hell is it with the Captain thing. Two hours ago you were cussing my ass out in a restaurant." He said back and Luna laughed a little.

         "I just thought about it and I respect you." Luna said resting her head slightly on his back to cover her blush. "A lot actually. Its rude of me to talk to you in such manor."
        "You confuse the hell out of me Jaeger you know that." Levi said shaking his head.
         "How come?"
          "Well first off it doesn't bother me when you call me Levi, you do know I'm only 21 right. You make me sound damn old." He says and smirks as Luna laughs. "You act so motherly even though your only 16, like last night-"

Luna groaned into his shoulder.

          "You remember that!" She asked.
         "Yes, there you go again with your damned mood swings." Levi says "tch, your fucking confusing Jaeger that's for sure. You know how to make some one's brain turn inside out on its self."
         "Was that a compliment?" Luna asked. "Because I'm taking that as a compliment."
           "What ever floats you blasted boat." Levi says.
           "You know your not so bad to be around when your in a good mood." Luna says and Levi looks at her.
             "What's that suppose to mean you brat?"
             "You do know you come off rather......cold right?" Luna asked and Levi looked back at the road. "Your like this idol. Of you remember what I said last night, your only human. Buts its like your untouchable, like you live on your own little island. Your close enough to see but never touch."
              "Is that such a bad thing?" Levi aksed.
               "It depends. You could be protecting yourself because you've been hurt to many times. But you could potentially be blocking out the person you need out. One of these days you'll fall in love Levi. Everyone does, and your going to shove your true love away and watch her move on and wish you hadn't."
              "There you go being confusing." Levi said and he sighed. "Jaeger for a teenager your wise, you act like a child yet have the capability to take over the damn world. It really is something."
             "Thanks...I think." She says and then giggles. "Your not really that scary anymore."

             "Excuse me?" Levi asked looking at her again.

             "Honesty, when I first looked at you I nearly died out of fright." Luna said. "That face you do when your in a mood its like, 'Grrrrr come near me and your internal organs will be on the floor' its pretty scary."

             "I will kick your ass off of this horse and make you walk back if you don't shut up." Levi threatened. Luna laughed.

           "No you wouldn't." Luna said and leaned into his back. It was quite for a minute. Peaceful around them. 

          "Thank you." Levi said making luna sit up and lean to look at him. "For being there."

            "What good would I be if I wasn't?" Luna asked.

           "I'm serious Jeager," Levi stated. "It means a lot that you put up with my bull shit."


            "Shut up, I'm not done idiot." Levi said. "I hate being sedimental so for years Ive not had really friend what you said about me only being human and being there did means a lot."

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