Chapter Thirty: Capture in Stonehess part 4

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The Scouts lined up on the taller roofs around the erea the unknown titan had tackled Annie.

"We have to help it." Armin said.
"No kill it." Mikasa said. "It attacked Eren."
"No don't go anywhere." Hangi said holding out her arm. "If their going to fight it's best we stay at this distance."

Smoke cleared up around the two titans.

"Is that another female Titan?" Jean asked.

The other titan was had skin like Eren, with brown red hair that went past its shoulders. It had Annie pinned to the group face first. It raised its fist to swing but Annie pushed it off momenarily and sat up and went to eldow it but it moved around and grabbed her face and squashing it. Annie screamed in pain and turned around trying to hit the new titan that ducted. But Annie pushed her back with her feet raming her into one of the taller buildings.

"That titans strong." Rose said. Annie stood up still groaning in pain.

She froze her fingers and charged at the wall. She jumped and latched onto the wall then started to climb.

"She is heading up the wall." Jean said.
"She's trying to escape!" Hangi said and ran forward.

The other titan ran forward jumped and grabbed Annies leg and held on. She put her hand to the leg and it started to burn.
Annie screamed in pain. She kicked the other female titan off tearing off her leg in the proccess and continued to scale the wall. The other Titan dropped the leg and punched the walls making the single frame shake.

"I won't let her get away." Mikasa yelled as she flew up the wall.
"The Female titan is brillant!" Hangi said as she watched. "She trying to shake the wall to disruption Annie's movements."

When Annie fell she hit the ground hard the other female titan wasted no time punching Annie. When she tried to block it the other titan broke her arm and burned it off. Annie went for a kick by the other titan flipped her over and grabbed her head and snapped it off. She stood up and reached down for where Annie should be but out of no where Eren grabbed her and threw her to the floor.

"Eren No!" Armin yelled.

Eren balled his fist at the female titan but she caught it and snapped it kicking over her head. he lashed at her biting her left arm and ripping it off. She screamed and kicked her foot up and bashed it into his head.

"Oh my god!" Rose yelled. "LUNA!"

The female titan turned to the black haired girl who started to cry.
Eren stood up and the female titan just pushed him down by Annie.
Levi landed by Hangi.

"There are three of these bastard now how-" But he saw the eyes of the female titan who backed away slowly and Eren hovered over the dead titan corpes. "Luna?"
"Levi get Eren out of there or he's going to eat Annie whole." Hangi yelled and Levi looked at the boy and the female titan.
"Got it." And he shot forward.

The brown haired female titan turned and ran in the opposite direction.

"Don't lose that titan!" hangi yelled as she pointed at the other female. "Don't hurt her to much ether."
"ma'am." Rose, Jean and Armin said and zoomed off after the other titan.
"Do you really think that's Luna, Rose?" Jean asked as they flew through the air.
"Possitive." Rose said. As the titan ran it looked like it was getting smaller and smaller.
"It's shrinking." Armin said and Rose speed up.

When the titan turned a corner and darted away into a shady piece of none damaged buildings she sat down and looked at her hands. They were the hands of monsters. She laid down on her side and wanted to cry. All today had been was pain.

"Luna!" Rose called from somewhere nearby.
"Luna!" Armin and Jean called out too.

But Luna only covered her head and wished she would dissappear.

"I found her." Rose yelled and Luna heard the matalic clinks of 3Dmg gear landing. "Luna."
"Grrr A wrgy" She tried to speak but all that came out was mesh. Like a child learning to talk.
"No i'm not going any where." Rose said. "It's gonna be okay."
"Rose don't get any closer." Jean warned. "We don't really know if thats Luna."
"Shut up jean." Rose said and steped closer. Luna uncovered her face to see Rose right there. "It's okay. I'm here I won't let anyone hurt you."

Luna shifted so her chin was on the ground. Jean drew his swords.

"Jean calm down." Armin said stepping infront of him. "Rose has this." Rose stepped close enough to Luna that when she reached her hand out she touched Luna's nose.
"You shrank, your only about 14 feet tall now." Rose said. "Can you shrink anymore?"
"I joge yhow" Luna said.
"Come on try for me okay." Rose said.

Luna nodded, she had just wanted to be smaller before she just wanted to be smaller now.

'Be normal size again.' Luna thought. 'Be normal size again.'
"Rose move!" Armin yelled and pulled Rose back and hot smoke burst out from around Luna and she shrank.

But once again the smoke was so thick it was hard to see.

"Luna?" Rose asked. She could hear something groans of pain. "Luna!"

A scream startled the three and Rose ran forward into the cloud of smoke.

"Rose!" Armin yelled but she didn't listen she followed the whimpering of her friend.

Till she saw her, her knees under her; she was huntched over. She was completely naked, covered in red spots like horrid burns.

"Luna." Rose said and the younger girl looked up at her. Her face just the same as the rest of her. Rose ran and sat in front of her. Around her neck the two metal necklaces were red from being so hot. "What happen?"
"I just-" She stopped to hiss in pain and grip the two necklaces tighter. "-went back to normal and-now i'm hot. Rose this hurts like a-"
"Bitch I bet it does." Rose said and took off her cape and put it on Luna's back, it started to imediantly sizzle, and pulled it to the ground so it covered her. "Let me button it for you."

Rose moved her hand to touch Luna but Luna swatted her hand away.

"No I'll-"
"SHIT!" Rose yelled and held her hand. It was burned the skin red and marked. "Damn it your right it hurts like a bitch. Your a lot stronger than me, I'd be screaming my ass off if I was in your condition."
"Rose!" Jean yelled. As he ran through the smoke swords drawn.
"I'm fine Jean, Is Armin still on the premiter?" Rose asked looking around for the blonde.
"Yeah. What happen I can't see shit over here." Jean said as she walked forward.
"Put your swords up, She's injured and I sorta am too." Rose said. "Be carful or you'll hurt her more."

Jean approached slowly and when he could see Rose he ran towards her.

"What happen to your-holy shit." Jean said. "What's wrong with her! She's burning."

He reached forward to touch her.

"DON'T" Rose said grabbing his wrist before he touched her. "She barely grazed me with her fingertips and look what happen."

Jean looked at the red blotchy side of her hand and backed up.

"We have to get help." Jean said. "Give me your flare gun and brown flare, me and Armin signal them one at a time to attract the most attention."

Rose did as she was told and handed her gun with the flare to Jean who turned.

"It's okay Luna help is on the way." And then ran out.
"Rose..." Luna asked quietly as she trembled. "what are we gonna do?"

"I Have No Idea."

Word Count: 1333

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